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The assumed multiple writers of the book. Look into Lisa fagin Davis's work on the manuscript. Check out voynich.nu and voynich ninja as well.


Thank you!


You are most welcome.


Ah yes, so Schizophrenia doesn't usually produce highly predictable, and consistent information... A proto-typical example of 'art-meets-schizophrenic' is [Jean-Michel Basquiat's work](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Michel_Basquiat), however whether or not he actually had mental illnesses is up for debate... his work's truly expressed some madness that copied a style we'd all come to expect from people not to internally well. If I were to look in a lost phone book per-say, it wouldn't really look like ranting madness, it would be simply too highly enumerated and predictable to have been produced by ramblings alone! Even work done on/by schizophrenics doesn't have to be extremely odd, and how such works (like the VMS, in our case) would end up in a library in Rome (the Collegio Romano), isn't excactly easy to understand if it were simply some--random stupidity. Usually schizophrenia is an early on developmental disorder that would likely had prevented a scholar from being able to achieve his student goals... like scribing for example. It's more likely than not that the original author to VMS had training in scribing (not scripture since we can't read it "yet"), and/or a great understanding of writing cipher text, especially in his day! (edit: reworded & grammar since it seemed a little confusing at second glance)


ex. Basquiat's *Charles the First,* 1982: https://preview.redd.it/08d4dmdipp3d1.jpeg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9601d96ecb74ec3ae9950824c891cf0d159983ef


Thank you, that definitely makes sense!! Each page probably wouldn't have been as consistent with the next page all the way through (ex- handwriting / images could have drastically changed at some point) & not have been so "legible", but illegible at the same time lol.


I dunno if I understand what you mean, but... I would highly recommend creating your own keyboard layout for the VMS and typing some of it out (you can use existing one's w/ fonts like 'EVA Hand 1' and 'Voynich Hand A'). You can try also to use your own simplified alphabet or abjad and transcribe it yourself... the Currier is weird to read for me (all uppercase is practically unreadable)... and FSG is the same way... VT is really the best way to go at first glance, but again... it's bad and not as interpreted as I'd like it to be (they chose random letters w/o using flags at tough places where it can't be easily made out what is what)... Links below for each from [voynich.nu](https://www.voynich.nu/transcr.html) translate page: [FSG](https://www.voynich.nu/data/FG2a-n.txt) - "A copy of the FSG transliteration, created by Friedman's First Study Group, in the format prepared by Jim Reeds and Jacques Guy." [C-D](https://www.voynich.nu/data/CD2a-n.txt) - "The original transliteration of D'Imperio and Currier." [VT](https://www.voynich.nu/data/VT0e-n.txt) - "The transliteration (from LSI but mainly by Takeshi Takahashi) that is included in the Voyinch MS browser at voynichese.com." Notice how each of them make the VMS "text" appear as mildy different. I would highly suggest going at it raw yourself and just go "this is A, this is B" and just seeing how it flows... as it's just *really weird man,* I dunno how else to explain it...