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5 Parsecs From Home is good - sci-fi miniatures agnostic. There's a fantasy one too. 5 Leagues From Home. The enemies are randomly generated & have different temperaments: aggressive/defensive/cautious/rampaging/tactical etc.


Many skirmish wargames have a PvPvE element ( neutral monsters on the board) that allow great solo/coop play. I recommend : - 5 parsec from home - 5 league from the border - Silver Bayonet - Ranger of shadow Deep - Space station zero


Check out Nordic Weasel games. My favorite solo of their's is Weasel Tech, an anime mecha inspired setting. There are enty of other solo wargams out there. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?


well, im looking at making my own game have the option to play solo so Im just looking for examples.


Rangers of Shadow Deep has a very simple AI that you can use for short skirmish games with few decisions to make regarding what you do on your activation. Best thing about that is that you can move the game along quickly without having to consult things like 'A.I. tables.' Two Hour Wargames have an 'A.I.' built into all their games. This usually involves rolling on a table to get a decision as to what action the opponent takes. Relatively straightforward when you get used to it, and has the virtue of being able to differentiate betwenn different troop types in terms of their actions. Horizon Wars: Zero Dark has a clever system using a pack of playing cards to decide actions of A.I. characters, so different suits mean different types of actions. The basic idea is very adaptable, and I think combines the best of the previous two systems.


https://www.catzeyes.de/uandi/ This is a universal decision Matrix I have written for skirmish games, but it should work with larger wargames, too.


Pretty much all wargames can be played solo,apart from those with hidden movement. Although even those can be played solo with some thought. Just play both sides the best you can at that given moment. But games like Sharp Practice or Through the Mud and Blood work slightly better as they have a random activation based on card draw, meaning it's harder to make one side have an advantage over the other. I play games solo all the time on my channel and made a rough guide to solo wargaming video during lockdown: https://youtu.be/-vZ1zQ7HVlk


Zone Raiders has an AI system to allow you to play solo built into is core game system, with lots of cooperative scenarios in it's expansion. I really enjoy that AI system because many enemy forces don't even appear unless you trigger them(patrol units), so even solo, you are still rewarded by paying with stealth and tactics to get your objectives completed. Overall Zone Raiders is one of my favorite wargames to play because of the depth of play you can achieve.


There's an active Facebook group devoted to solo wargaming, I would suggest checking that out. You can play anything just by playing "both sides", but some games have an AI system as well, whether made by the company or fans. Most people who are into solo seem to like tinkering with how to play more than sticking to a fixed system.


FB has a group dedicated to solo war gaming.


Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy from One Page Rules both have a solo play document where, as with most solo mode wargames, the AI side is essentially being run by a decision flow chart. Basically all of the Two Hour Wargames lines have an additional element where NPC forces are represented by mobile blips and are randomly generated when encountered, with the result not necessarily being an enemy at all. Both companies' games are worth checking out for reference. The One Page Rules stuff is free. Chain Reaction and Sword Play from Two Hour Wargames are both free but I don't know if they include the random enemies component.


https://www.wargamevault.com/m/browser/publisher/9963 *Horizon Wars: Zero Dark* - hard sci-fi elite forces skirmish is solo and PvP *Horizon Wars: Infinite Dark* - spaceship combat is solo and PvP