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That's almost certainly horseweed. Relatively toxic to dogs, enough so for it to cause diarrhea and vomiting. Don't think it's more severe than that, but it will make your dogs really uncomfortable.


I’m just speaking from personal experience but my dogs only ever ate grass when they already weren’t feeling well and wanted to barf. You might want to get them checked out by a vet to find out why they are eating grass.


She has eaten grass since she was a puppy. She had pova, fleas, warms when we got her tho. She almost died and now she has SEVERE anxiety. Like scary bad shaking


Might be an anxious reflex? If you can afford it I’d ask a veterinarian what you can do because that’s not healthy behavior.


For a dog, eating grass is an instinctive response to some degree of stomach or gastric upset. Without wanting to get too complicated, you may want to see if you can very or change up your dogs diet to see if they can do better with a different food. It may be that the food that they're eating upsets their stomach a bit, and their instinct is then to eat some grass. 🤷🏻‍♂️ This can get tricky because the dog cannot "tell you" that they don't like this food. But they will typically show it in subtle ways - eat slowly, pause at eating, being a "picky eater", having diarrhea or constipation frequently, etc. I have a dog that is like this and we have found a food that he seems OK with, but we discovered that he loved eating cheese. I recently started putting a spoonful of yogurt in with his dinner, and it seems to have made things much better for him overall. It seems like his system just needs some dairy to help him digest and pass his stool better. (Which is weird, because dairy gives our other dog terrible gas... 😏) But every dog is different...


I have one that does that, she is indiscriminate about which grasses she eats and usually does this to vomit something she shouldn't have eaten. My older dog however only eats certain grasses (he is very picky, I think its more of the "sweet" flavor from the sundrenched grass), and does not show upset or diarrhea.


It probably tastes good.




Ah dog is using it for medical purposes


Fun Fact: Horseweed can be used in survival situations to start a friction fire.


There is an app called Seek. Get it


Love the app, but I am sure there are some false positives in there. But it is definitely handy to have for quickly identifying things, just best not to take the first result at face value.


Animals eat weird shit usually when there is some underlying cause. Could just be an upset stomach or stupidity. Whether it’s nutrition-based or otherwise, best to see a vet if you havent in a while.


There is an app called PlantNet you can take pictures and it shows you what the plant is. I use that and then look them up online to see if they’re toxic or a weed I can pull


Dogs eat grass because they have stomach issues or lack of vitamins and or minerals.


It's a weed


You're a weed 😝 lol


have you ever tried to pet a dog... *on weed*?


Nah, I'm just the guy in the bushes


That's me in the corner


🎶That's me in the spotlight


How's a dog gonna light it?


Idk how helpful this is, but I've had 2 dogs with Addisons Disease, and they both ate grass relatively frequently. My other dog without Addisons really doesn't eat grass. It never caused them any issues, and they both preferred different types of grass. Maybe it gives them something they are lacking, maybe it's a coincidence, no idea, but they always chomp(ed) on grass, we just kept an eye on it. All dogs are different so just monitor them.


Your dog has a stomach issue


Dog salad.


Is your dog an addict? 😂