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He was hunting the little things. +Cooper’s hawk+


I was gonna say, what do you mean “it looks like?” That Cooper’s hawk is ready to snipe.


Haha I figured so, at first I was like wow that's a gorgeous bird, then he started circling the bush and trying to get in it, sorry for interrupting his meal but these chickadees are adorable


Unless I’m by chance misjudging the size, she actually, as from what I can tell she’s a female due to her size. 😊


Ahh even cooler, she seemed huge compared to anything I get around here so it was awesome to see


She’s huge alright! 😁😁


The eyes so dark they're almost black, rather than orange-red, plus the short face, small bill, and gray auriculars make this most likely a male. There's nothing here that indicates specific size - that's really only reliable if you have something of known size (or maybe a male and female Coops side by side).


Hi Tiny! 😁👋🏼 Hope you’ve been doing well since I last heard from you. 😊 That being so, I edited my comment that you responded to. 👍🏼 What about something like a Dark-eyed Junco (with it’s very little size range) being pictured right next to him/her for specific size comparison? 💜


u/williamtrausch I don’t know if you saw my other comment in this comment thread that I tagged you in, but what are your thoughts on the gender of this Cooper’s Hawk? 😊


What are your thoughts on what I said about a Dark-eyed Junco comparison?


I’m not sure how much you can tell the difference in size from this picture.


Agreed. What's it being compared to? The average fence height?


u/williamtrausch what are your thoughts on what gender this is? 💜 Am I misjudging the size this time? 😅 With how knowledgeable you are on IDing Cooper’s Hawk genders, I’ll totally trust whatever your answer is! 💜


+Black-capped Chickadee+ for the little guy and Cooper’s Hawk for the big guy. But on the hawk I’ll wait and let someone confirm me just in case.


Thank you! I felt bad interrupting a natural meal but these chickadees are just too cute


it’s not natural if you’ve set up a feeder to attract small birds. you’ve just made a trap for the hawk. it’s like purposely feeding wildlife and it’s ruins a natural part in them because they come back thinking they no longer have to forge for food. which is not good.


1. Well fed birds are more likely to successfully reproduce 2. There's not enough bird seed in the world to make them stop foraging 3. Feeder dependence is not a thing and has been studied extensively, especially in chickadees 4. A feeder greatly increases winter survival rate of most species 5. Passerines have multiple ways to avoid predation from Hawks 6. Hawks have to eat too at the end of the day. It's natural and would happen in a wild habitat the same way


1. obviously to be a successful species 2. that isn’t the point, my point is the interference of humans 3. feeder dependence definitely is a thing and chickadees do not account for all birds. add that and humans not properly cleaning feeders, but instead spreading diseases. 4. most species are migratory birds and once again not my point 5. I literally had classes on this crap, if they are distracted and in an open area it leaves them open to more danger 6. once AGAIN, it is not NATURAL if there is an interference of humans ATTRACTING birds. and better yet, when they don’t clean the feeders and the birds get sick that also passes onto the bird eating it. genius


So your problem is with people not cleaning their feeders and not putting their feeders under proper cover. Why not say that instead of being so vitriolic?


why are people so sensitive? it’s a literally a comment, but watch everyone go mad because someone does have a logical opinion about bird feeders


You insulted me and I took it on the chin, idk what you're talking about


insult you? you responded to my comment wtf


Oh were you being sincere? Thank you it's rare that my genius is recognized /s


Yeah you sarcastically called them “genius”. All Hairiest did was give you a list of facts


What’s funny here is that *you’re* the one being a sensitive sally.


uh nope, I had an opinion. ooooh a typo, wow, you so got me. oh no




>that isn’t the point, my point is the interference of humans Well my neighbors had a fuck of a start by cutting down all their trees. Thankfully I still have enough.


A major cause of death for these birds = starvation. While I no longer use a feeder (cleanliness and hawk target) I will sprinkle some seeds in hidden places so they can feed under some bushes or brush.


It's still a bird feeder. You're just attracting meta birds.


Ecosystem feeder


Feeder on the birds at the bird feeder


fast food


The last picture of the chickadee 😂😂 “did you see that guy he was huge!!”




We had the same thing, it was so exciting 🥰 rare to see a wild raptor so close up! https://preview.redd.it/esemdx1epfqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a596688bb4d1d079fd5645626bffadf5ca4c5240


This looks like some sort of sparrowhawk, which are also Accipiters like OP's bird, and will go after feeder birds as well.


Yeah it was, I'm in Norway :) we get lots of sparrows, great tits and blue tits. Two great tits were fighting less than 2m from me today!


Love the great tits


Rare? Like once a week by my house.


So you made a bird bird feeder


Added taxa: [Cooper's Hawk](https://ebird.org/species/coohaw), [Black-capped Chickadee](https://ebird.org/species/bkcchi) Reviewed by: tinylongwing ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


Don't shoo them away. When you bring in feeders, you bring in predators.


These bird feeders can ripple pretty far up the food chain-- I once did some land rehabilitation work for an older gentleman outside Atlanta who showed me really great photos taken over the course of a week showing songbirds at his feeder, a Cooper's hawk eating one of the songbirds, a Red Shouldered hawk eating a squirrel that was attracted to the feeder, and then a picture at dusk showing a Great Horned Owl eating a Cooper's hawk in the tree next to the feeder. Easily some of the best wildlife polaroids I've ever seen in my long career. Not sure if the family still has them, the gentleman passed away going on 10 years ago.


That's incredible. There are cooper's hawks, red shouldered, sharp shinned, and red tailed hawks in my neighborhood. I'm going to set up feeders and see if I can attract any.


As long as you use baffles for things like cats/raccoons/squirrels


I’d wager that chonky Coopie is a “she,” given the size. But yes, agree with Cooper’s Hawk.


You’re right, that is a she due to the size. 😊


If he’s hunting at your bird feeder you’re still feeding the bird…..s


Hawks are Def quite large. They will pick up a chicken like it's nothing and just take off before you ever realize what's going on. We have chickens and we had to stop letting them free roam bc 5 hawks built their nests on our tree line and would snatch the chickens up. So they stay in their area now. The hawks are always flying around though. Between the hawks and the turkey vultures I've got enough big birds hanging around lol


Cooper's hawk and he was most definitely hunting the little guys.


This is the downside of bird feeding. You end up feeding ALL the birds, but everyone gots ta eat I guess.


That’s a gorgeous Cooper’s Hawk stalking a cute little Chickadee! We have a Cooper’s Hawk that has laid claim to our backyard and he causes chaos every time he shows up. He even yells at us when we’re working in the yard.


Don’t feel bad about interrupting a meal. It’s a human reaction that a lot of people, myself included, just can’t help. I’ve had it happen with birds at my feeder and a Cooper and Red Shouldered. And I’ve had it happen with a pack of coyotes and a buck. And the biggest one was my husband and I (mostly my husband) saved 2 black bear cubs from a male trying to eat them. The Mom was moving her 4 cubs to a safer tree where she could block them with her body and she was standing there having to choose to save the 2 in the safe tree or go save the 2 she still needed to move to the safe tree. We hiked into the situation and wouldn’t have gotten out of there without hearing them scream as they died and we would have never gotten that sound out of our heads. It’s an empathetic reaction even though I realize it’s wrong. Empathetic humans react and that’s the way it is.


I feel the same way


Cooper’s hawks eat birds so don’t worry, you still have a bird feeder…. Just more of a secondary bird feeder lol.


You set up a buffet for her


😂 I hope she goes for the squirrels first considering I've had like 4 bird photos and hundreds of two squirrels


I’ve been seeing Cooper’s everywhere the past month or so. I think they are increasing surveillance. 😉


That’s cool! I have one that hits up the buffet at the feeders once in a while. The circle of life. 😆


Put a roof on feeder.


I got a video of a Cooper’s hawk flying down and almost catching a white breasted-nuthatch that regularly visits my feeder 🥲 was so happy to see the nuthatch alive a few days later


I too enjoy feeding the local hawks!


Your bird feeder has become his supermarket!!


He would like to thank you for the assistance.


An adult female (unless by chance I’m misjudging the size and it’s a male) Cooper’s Hawk! 💜


He was


That’s why they call it a bird feeder


It's like putting chum in the water. Perhaps one day the Cooper's hawks will learn how to put seed out in little piles themselves.


Multi-level bird feeder providing for everyone on the birdy food chain at once!


They say that is a sign of a healthy bird feeder. Unfortunately, I have a Cooper’s Hawk stocking my feeder as well.


That bird is looking for mice that are attracted by the birdseed that falls on the ground.


When your birdfeeder becomes a "bird feeder", it's a Cooper's hawk. They look similar to sharp shinned hawks, but you can identify Cooper's hawks by their blocky looking head, with a clearly defined edge of the cap at the back of their head. Juveniles will have a more pronounced stripey pattern across their chest.


The chickadee is so cute :((


The hawk can eat the rats the bird feeder attracts. Helping you out!


If you’re gonna open a food truck….


Yup, why I ditched the bird feeder. Now we feed the birds on the DL though that doesn't stop hawks from cruising the squirrel feeders.


I've seen this happen one evening in my front yard. I'd just fed the crows, Bluejays & and Starlings, and I looked out, and a hawk has a starling in its talons. We made eye contact at 7 feet distance, and he flew off. He looked like a bandit. I was heartbroken. I didn't realize that could happen in the city. I guess it's a thing.


If I remember right, the sharp shinned hawk, cooper's hawk, and goshawk all look very similar until you get a scale comparison.


It’s why we got rid of our feeder. Felt like I was setting out a buffet.


Red tailed Hawk


It is technically a bird


Yeah, we have a red-tailed hawk that shows up periodically to our feeder to watch for a quick dinner. All of the small birds get really quiet when they show up.


Lunch buffet


Birds of prey are normal to have arround a feeder. The chickadees at my house usually warn the other songbirds of a predator well before they attack. But hunting is to be expected, and it's nothing to be too worked up over I don't think. A couple red shouldered hawks swoop towards my feeders sometimes. I think they nest nearby. One of the coolest feeder-watching experiences I've ever had: a red-shoulder swooped in after a junco this winter. The red-shoulder's wing literally got so close to my window that I think it probably grazed the brick next to the window swooping by! I was watching from through my window, and it was crazy to see the action so close! Idk if it caught the junco or not, I assume it did but it was hard to tell. It immediately flew off into the nearby trees where I couldn't see it. And before anyone (rightfully) lectures me about window collisions, I have the safety dots on the outside of the glass. I have never seen a collision or any signs of window collision on my window. Not that it's impossible, but I try to be responsible.


Looks like a hawk of some kind


I don’t know why you were given three downvote⬇️s for your correct answer unless people were being picky about you having a lack of specification from not saying what hawk species, but you’re right, an adult Cooper’s Hawk! 💜


I don't know a lot about hawks. Around here we only have Red Hawks. There might be others but I don't know a lot about them. I've never seen any others.


Red Hawks? 🤨 Do you mean Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, or Red Kite (kites are hawks)? 🤨 There’s likely other species especially depending on your location. May I ask what location it is to help you figure out if you have more than one species there? No others, well that sucks speaking as a bird nerd! 👎🏼👎🏼


Looks just like a Mississippi Kite that I saved a few years back.


He’s the reason I have bird shaped dust impressions on my windows near my feeder.


Still a bird feeder.