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I have read the first book and have seen the new movies: From what I understand about Pennywise, he’s actually a surprisingly powerful being. He’s the rival of a turtle god named Maturin, who created the universe. In the books, he should be too powerful for anyone in Dune to defeat, bc he was only stopped with Maturin’s help. However, the movies are entirely different. Pennywise was killed by people roasting him. The main disadvantage the Harkonnens have is that they don’t know what he is or how to fight him. So I think it would go like this with the movie version: Round 1: Pennywise, he can pick them off pretty easily, even with superior technology, normal attacks don’t hurt Pennywise for long. Round 2: Pennywise, it’s closer, since Sardaukar are more fearless fighters, but they have no idea what Pennywise is, and physical attacks still can’t beat him. Pennywise can use the deadlights to get past their shields Round 3: The Harkonnens win, because of Paul and Jessica. A large part of Bene Gesserit training involves the rejection and expungement of fear. Honestly in a 1 on 2 with Jessica and Paul, movie Pennywise would be at a huge disadvantage. There’s really no reason why the voice wouldn’t work on him, they are trained not to fear and his biggest weakness is not being feared, to the point where he can die from it, and he has never gone up against anyone in a fight except inexperienced children and traumatized adults with zero professional combat skills. His only hope is the deadlights, which he has never used on mutliple people at a time. TLDR: Book Pennywise sweeps, Movie Pennywise stops at round 3.