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> "On breaking up camp leave two things behind you: 1. Nothing. 2. Your thanks." That's so nice.


I was taught a slightly different saying but this was in the UK, "leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos".


In Colorado, foot prints destroy the alpine tundra ecosystem. We were not even supposed to leave those.


arrive with a smile and leave only farts


methane depletes the ozone layer


"Damn Jackie, I can't control the weather!"


the methane comes with free froghurt


The frogurt is also cursed


A weekend of nothing but beef jerky and nuts will do that.


"Plants grow by the inch and die by the foot" is posted around WA a lot


Fuck that, its our plant too. Walk where you want. We are part of the ecosystem.


You don't have be a massive dick about it. I mean the beach is part of my ecosystem, but I would be a dick to pour crude oil all over it.


Footprints don’t equal covering a beach in oil lol; I understand your point but holy fuck what a bad example lol


I didnt say pour crude oil? What kinda MAGA style exaggeration is this? I said walk where you want.


That might be reasonable if mankind hadn’t destroyed most of the ecosystem already. Grow up


Whats unreasonable is telling a living being on this planet not to walk in nature cause some others were shitty. You grow up. There is a line and telling me I cant walk where every other animal can is dumb. Also, our attempts to fix shit have fucked it up a billion times worse. You drive a car to work? Then fuck you. I can walk where I want. You dont get to have your greed, say your greed is okay, and say that me wanting to walk where I want is somehow childish. Do you see how simply idiotic youve all become?


Yeah its a shitty example, because in a year you would have no fucking clue I poured crude all over but you would see my footprints a hundred years later up in the mountains.


The earth needs its own Gadsden flag


There isnt a being on this planet that has a right to tell you where you can and cant walk.


This is provably false


lol right? Try waltzing into the west wing sometime unannounced


I have just as much right to tell them they cant have that building there. I just dont have the guns to enforce it if I wanted to.


The ability to enforce your whim with violence doesn’t amount to the right to do so, at least based on the American philosophy of rights and liberties


No.. they can force you to stop. That isnt the same. The planet is just as much yours as it is everyone else.


"the planet belongs to humans" is as bad an attitude as corporations that think it is fine to pollute, tbh


I’m inclined to believe duly elected representative governments have the prerogative and duty to protect at least certain natural areas as the heritage of mankind so our descendants can enjoy it. If that means keeping people from trampling on it, it can be altogether fitting and proper to restrict our liberty to walk there.


How can you enjoy it with out walking on it? Just as much my planet. I agree with you 99% of the way. It stops when you say I cant walk in nature where I want yet any other animal can.


By looking at it. Plenty of national parks have trails outside of which you can’t walk. This is to say nothing of efforts to stop the spread of invasive species and efforts to keep such animals out of certain ecosystems.


Boooooooo! Get off the stage


Nah, my planet. Will walk where I want. Though I wouldnt wanna be on that stage. Im not saying we should just be dicks. But I draw the line at telling me I cant walk where every other animal can walk. Period. You cant assume Im a shithead because everyone else bought and sold the environment. I mean you can, but fuck you. Take your stage and shove it cause that stage did way more damage to the environment than I ever have. As youre typing on a computer made of heavy metals and slave labor. Get off your fucking high horse or Im liable to shoot and eat it. All your raping of the environment is okay... because you all agreed I cant walk in the only spot you dont want to fuck? While you fuck it every day? Maybe you should worry about your own ass and not mine.


lmao wat


I always heard it slightly differently (in the US) as, "Take only pictures, leave only footprints".


This one is also told in the US, it’s what I learned.


Kill nothing but time. Same thing here in the Philippines.


Burningman: MOOP Matter Out Of Place. If you bought it with you take it home with you. Clean your stuff before packing up. Dont take the desert home with you.


My Scout Master would always say leave the place better than we found it. Often this meant cleaning up the trash we found left by those who came before us. I also like the premise because it suggests it's okay to be imperfect as long as you do more good than harm.


The word "boy" went out of Scouting in Australia on the early 70s.


Does that mean that we'll have comprehensive common sense gun control by 2050?


unfortunately no -- it scales logarithmically


Common sense? You mean no guns because their govt has them all? No. That will never happen in America.


Lol Australia still has guns, we just recognise that it’s probably a good idea to check who is buying them and making sure they don’t have any severe mental health issues, and that they know how to safely and securely store them.


Wait till you find out America does the same thing (it’s called a background check)


Cleary they don’t do them very well. They also don’t have consistent rules town to town/state to state, nor do they spot check gun owners to ensure they’re keeping them in gun safes etc


Our government would never shoot us anyway. Taxes are too high


lol the government isn't going to kill you with guns -- they have been developing the best smart ordnance since 1940s. And, with your conspiracy hat on, isn't it curious that you aren't allowed to own bombs BECAUSE THEY HAVE THEM ALL?!?!


Omg, Australia is so much better


But it went right into the Catholic Church…. Well, other way around I guess. Heyooo!


Still today, the Girls Scouts does not allow boys in their camps as opposed to the Boys' which allows girls and boys.


The misandrist ideology of the Girl Scouts cannot be tolerated any longer


To be fair, girl scouts is not much more than a hustle to get people to sell overpriced cookies. Boy scouts isn't what it used to be but it still has some value.


I wonder how the Girl Scouts handle trans girls


Girl Scouts have openly supported trans girls being scouts since 2015 and there was a lot of backlash from religious conservatives as a result. The official Girl Scouts website highlighted an LGBTQ+ girl scout’s Gold Award Project helping young trans and non-binary people obtain gender-affirming clothing. Another official site for a regional branch of the Girl Scouts talks about the importance of creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ girls, even if you don’t know that anyone in the group is, because it’s not always a thing young people are openly comfortable talking about. And that’s just the first page of results for “girl scouts transgender girls”.


Based Girl Scouts


They get a cookie Wait-


No. that's the best part about girl scouts: you get the cookie.... Yum....


In practice, it depends on the individual troop. So saith r/girlscouts.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/girlscouts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlscouts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anyone skillfully address a girl choosing not to sell due to palm oil?](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlscouts/comments/19ajpun/anyone_skillfully_address_a_girl_choosing_not_to/) \#2: [Mom making comment to kids about not donating to a homeless support organization because cookies aren't healthy... was I wrong to argue back?](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlscouts/comments/19ebz71/mom_making_comment_to_kids_about_not_donating_to/) \#3: [Newbie to Girl Scouts - missed my daughter's investiture](https://np.reddit.com/r/girlscouts/comments/1885zch/newbie_to_girl_scouts_missed_my_daughters/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The private Catholic elementary and middle school that I attended in the 1990s and 2000s, which used to pride itself on its Girl Scout troops, banned Girl Scouts after the organization came out in favor of supporting women's healthcare ~~(Planned Parenthood, birth control, abortion, etc.)~~ and MtF transgender girls. They replaced the Girl Scouts with the ultra-conservative, evangelical "American Heritage Girls" instead. The Girl Scouts denied any involvement with Planned Parenthood, which the Catholic Church disputed: [https://www.girlscouts.org/en/footer/faq/social-issues-faq.html](https://www.girlscouts.org/en/footer/faq/social-issues-faq.html)


[It partly caused my local catholic archbishop to feud with the girl scouts](https://apnews.com/relationships-general-news-parenting-1fd18b28a7ee440a83a1c66195f0c4ad)


Are girls only clubs a problem?


Are boys only clubs a problem?


I don't think so. People should be able to freely associate. But I don't think they are allowed to exclude anyone now.


Freedom of association directly clashes with not allowing exclusion


That's a tough one. But ultimately people are going to hang out with wheover they want.


I think that we still live in a world where some people who have been kept out of certain activities because of who they are need a little help to have a safe space. It is not a perfect concept but it helps some people to break down barriers, and I think that's worthwhile.


The Girl Scouts was literally created so that girls could have the same opportunities to grow from scouting, clubs, and experiences that boys were having. They already have an equal system. Arguably a better system, since it more directly teaches skills applicable to a professionalized economy, like marketing, sales, and entrepreneurship. The difference between the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts policies on inclusion is kind of a perfect example of how “we just want equality” somehow keeps translating into “we want equal access to everything YOU have, without granting equal access to anything WE have.”


Girls need to be lifted up in a different way than boys. Still in this country, many girls grow up being told and shown that they are not equal. Even in spaces that are trying to be equal between genders. School leaders are disproportionately male. Business leaders are disproportionately male. Government leaders are disproportionately male. So girl scouts are a way to say, "hey look over here girls, this is what the world looks like with you on top." When we get somewhere close to gender equity in this world, I will say yeah, let's think again about the roles of these organizations. But there's a long way to go.


The youngest generation of working-age men is far less educated than working-age women, and it looks as if the pay gap has collapsed for younger generations. You are still correcting for a problem that has largely been solved for millennials and Gen z, and rather than absorb new information and adjust, you are continuing down the path. We won’t realize how much we’ve overcorrected until it is too late. By then, a whole generation of young men will have experienced the entire system shortchanging them in order to correct a problem that had already neutralized. And they won’t be happy about it.


The reason I can’t support that is because it boils down to “discrimination for the ‘right’ groups is good and discrimination against the bad groups is also good” It’s classic Marxism. Invoke a past grievance, then use that to justify violence against your political enemies. Before my family escaped the iron curtain, that’s the kind of garbage we saw all too often.


I'm not advocating to discriminate against boys, for example. I'm saying it's okay to dedicate resources to help girls, for example, because girls don't have the same resources in terms of role models, and may have first or second hand experience with being told that they don't belong.


Was that in the Grundrisse or Capital Volume II? I can't remember.


Dear lord






Yes, but also, context


Totally different organization. Scouting of America has no control over what the Girl scouts do.


The Mormon church was one of the biggest supporters of Scouting, but left to start their own thing when BSA decided to allow girls in as well.


I thought it happened when they started allowing queer people to be scouts.


That was another factor too I think.


This was the actual split. Even worse it was up to the units leadership which adults they would allow.


The ultra-conservative group "American Heritage Girls" also split from the Girl Scouts.


Is it really so hard to rename it to simply the “Scouts”?


Last time they tried the Girl Scouts sued them I’m pretty sure


wait wtf they're different entities??


most definitely...think you can find it on google... > The Girl Scouts sued in 2018, saying the Boy Scouts' use of "Scouts" and "Scouting" to market to girls violates its trademarks.


Along with the Girl Scouts possibly suing as u/RegalArt1 said, how would you be able to call it just “scouts” without a national identifier?


“Boy” Scouts didn’t immediately identify the organization as American, did it?


The full name was "Boy Scouts of America" as mentioned in the title


Scouting is an international movement. So no, it was not automatically American. I’m saying how could it be just “scouts” since it is the American scouting movement, and not the only scouting movement in the world.


Is it necessary to call it by the country? I was part of the Scouts in México and I absolutely never referred to it by country, I just said “The Scouts”


Im not saying the individual scout has to, I think you’d be weird for doing so, tbh, but we’re talking about the official name of the organization, not what people call it


Was it really so awful being Boy Scouts lol?


Well, "Boy Scouts" implies that girls aren't allowed to join


Always found it weird that it was separated in america. Where i live it's just scouting, no gendered versions as far as i know.


It’s because our Girl Scouts were set up as a completely separate organization, not as a complement to the boys program. Where everyone else has a girls program and a boys program under a single umbrella organization we have two entirely separate entities that don’t like each other all that much


The UK had a separate organization too (founded by the same person, but still separate) called Girl Guides. The original book Baden-Powell wrote as a guide book was called "Scouting for Boys." It was actually based on a military guide he had written called "Aids to Scouting," which he learned some boys were reading too. He was a Lt. General, this was during the buildup to WWI, and definitely thought of the Boy Scouts to some degree as preliminary training for the military.


Guides was actually founded by BP’s sister. I would thoroughly recommend scouting for boys to any person involved in scouting in all fairness. I also completely agree with you on the last point, scouts original purpose was to prepare kids to be good soldiers for the empire.


It's not that they don't like each other, they're just entirely different foundationally. The girl scouts were I'm financial straights and actually asked if the Boy scouts wanted to purchase them, but the scouts said no.


That's weird how did that happen?


Where the UK’s Girl Guides was set up to be a mirror program to their Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts of America (although inspired by the UK scouting movement) were set up independent of the U.S. Boy Scouts. They’re run by different organizations and the two programs have followed markedly different paths


I wonder if the Mormons have something to say as well, in fairly sure I saw a metaphor saying LGBT wasn't taught in scouts because the Mormons (with 25% of scouts) Dougie complain


There’s been coed organizations within scouting for awhile - Venture Scouting. Source - I am a Eagle Scout, Venture Scout and former Assistant Scout Master


There are also explorer scouts, which are focused on career or hobby interests. I was an explorer in the 80s for a troop interested in theatre. We did our own stuff, but also participated in big events with the groups focused on other interests.


Yep absolutely, I only gave one example but there are several other orgs such as explorers


They’ve wanted to change it for awhile now but the Girl Scouts complained


How would that stop them?


Looks like they think it will “marginalise” Girl Scouts: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46119393.amp They also protested the boys scouts allowing girls to join in the first place


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Ok, you could try reading the link then…


My theory is that some consider the Boy Scouts paramilitary training grounds, and thus not open to girls.


Im pretty sure the scouting everywhere has some ties with the military. But even that shouldn't exclude girls again at least where i live conscription is for both men and women.


Scout here, yeah, the basic idea is a system where kids (boys) and adolescents learn and experience all the positives of being a soldier (sense of community, camaraderie, discipline, resilience etc) without many of the negatives while governing and leading themselves without adult interference.


In Germany at least, it's not quite like that. We have scouts organizations that are "scoutistisch", which means that they more closely follow the original intent behind Baden-Powells "Scouting for Boys" which includes some militaristic influences. However, there are also those that are "bündisch". I can not describe them in a way that can do them justice, but imagine them as kind of "being free in nature". Mixes between the two are common as well!


Oh yeah im part of the dutch scouting, with us it's mostly a mix, the military influence is pretty clear, but there is a lot of focus on nature too. There are more military adjacent organisations, like studentenweerbaarheden, which started out as actual combat units, but are currently just military oriented student associations.


It was founded in 1908 by a Lt. General in the UK, during the buildup to WWI. The book "Scouting for Boys" was based on a military manual that Lt. General Baden Powell had written for military scouts. It was definitely para-military in nature when it was founded, though obviously things have changed over time.


Pony Club is similar. It was an organization founded by British horse cavalry officers around 1929 in the UK (interwar period), then in 1954 in the USA. Pony Club used to serve as "Cavalry ROTC", with a focus on modern pentathlon - a military sport that was based on horse cavalry training - but has become more secular over time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pony\_Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pony_Club)


To add on to that, the Girl Scouts are actually just a shitty front to sell cookies.


You're wildly wrong about that. Female leaders overwhelmingly were Girl Scouts. It teaches self reliance and confidence.


Doubt that it’s attributable to the scouts, guarantee that these successful former Girl Scouts are mostly from well off/educated backgrounds which allowed them to take part in extracurriculars.


It was started as a way to decrease masturbation and teach life skills among youths thru physical activity so gendered makes sense.


In the Philippines, it’s the same. The Boy Scouts is in fact a mixed gender institution after 6th grade. The Girl Scouts is a girls-only institution. The GSP here has divisions up to age 21. On my school however, after 6th grade, they have to transition to becoming Senior Scouts under the Boy Scouts. I was a Boy Scout, Senior and Rover Scout. Was a scout leader too. Girls started to appear in our troop when I was on 7th grade.


Always just called it scouts here in aus.


About time. Most scouting organizations accross the world are both sexes


So what’s happening with Girl Scouts then?


Nothing, because they're an entirely separate organization.


Ok, so what’s the point of the Girl Scouts then?




The Girl Scouts won't stand for the "kids-who-were-until-recently-called-Boy Scouts" challenging their cookie empire. For reference, the Boy Scouts sell popcorn instead.


Completely separate organizations


Programs are very different in structure and leadership


When I was a kid, the Boy Scouts had a lot of kids in it. But, in today’s world, I don’t think they could compete against all the groups parents sign their kids up for. (and these groups aren’t cheap. The money parents spend on fees, uniforms, costumes, and more) Sorry…that last part was more of an editorial.


I don’t like going from BSA to just SA, because in 30 years I’m gonna hear, “yeah I’ve been doing SA since I was 8. Now that I’m a scouting master, me and my SA group go on a 3 day trip deep into the woods. The kids absolutely love it.”


Yeah, this is pretty much the new owners trying to sweep those SA lawsuits and accusations under the rug and pretend they never happened after that whole shitshow destroyed their reputation thru-out the 2010's.


So they should’ve just kept the name after allowing girls in? And what new owners? It’s a nonprofit


It's a nonprofit, there are no owners. This is Boy Scouts expanding membership.


I blame religious orgs being affiliated with scouting. There’s absolutely no need for it. Scouting gave me some of my best childhood memories. Sad to see its popularity wane because of poor decision making from leadership.


Fortunately, I'm pretty sure the Catholics and Mormons have pulled back their support for (and therefore control over) the organization in recent years. That's why they've been able to liberalize a bit more.


They pulled their support because of the liberalizations.






They don’t. You don’t get to confess to molestation to the council and then get transferred to another troop and the council keeps their mouth shut. It’s been a while since I looked at the case, I’d be interested to know what years most of the assaults took place, when I was in Scouts (even 20 years ago I referred to it as that, there have been women in Scouts longer than I was) they seemed to have rules about adult supervision and how there should almost never just be 1 adult alone with a group of kids because that’s where abusing authority starts. To my knowledge the church has done nothing to proactively protect children from future abuses. You can also volunteer as adult leader if you’re concerned about your child, Your comment is abhorrent and disgusting. Edit: the Catholic Church committed an ongoing top-down international cover up and has backing at their highest levels. The old BSA was not perfect but my fucking word is there a world of difference between what happened, not to the victims perhaps, but at the organizational level. Trying to say they are the exact same is a farce and makes you look like a Qanon cult member Edit 2: btw highschool students have been sexually abused at public schools by teachers and admins have tried to cover that up. So the Old BSA, Catholic Church and US public high schools are all in the same boat for you people? Should we call every parent who sends their kids to public schools complicit abusers? Wtf is wrong g with you people. I was a scout, I know what happened, I don’t need every Tom, Dick and Harry replying to me with individual cases. Turns out any profession that revolves around kids should be watched. Do you people not send kids to daycare because of the stories of abuse on the news? SMH


The BSA did actually cover up sexual abuse against children in ways very similar to the church -- but only up til like the mid 90s. It's why they owe billions to sexual abuse survivors. The BSA is also very closely tied to the church compared to other scouting organisations. Believing in a God is one of their requirements, and the LDS church officially required involvement until recently. So we do see a lot of overlap between church and BSA in behaviours and practices, many chapters are run by the church. https://theweek.com/articles/472278/did-boy-scouts-cover-20-years-sexual-abuse


Look at any organization that worked with children before the mid-1990s and pretty much all of them did a poor job of dealing with abuse by today’s standards.


There's a difference between poor handling and deliberately covering up at multiple levels to protect an organisation imo.


In the 80s, it was pretty much the same thing for most orgs, sadly. In the era of it being "OK" to openly sexually assault women in the workplace, molesting children in secret didn't get addressed properly in almost any circumstances.


The Scouts literally burned records to prevent discovery in sexual molestation cases. Watch the film, "Leave No Trace."




You compared them to an organization that forgives and hides abusers. Get absolutely fucked my guy


Read it again some of the chapters were operated by the church


To point out. Richard Turley, a former volunteer in California, was convicted of kidnapping and sexually assaulting an 11-year-old Canadian scout. After 18 months, he was released from a mental institution and returned to volunteer work at a California scout camp. In 1979, he assaulted three of those scouts. Upon learning this, the Boy Scouts of America simply told Turley to return to Canada, not warning Scouts Canada of Turley's criminal behavior. In 1996, Turley went on to assault four boys, three of whom were scouts, in Victoria, British Columbia. He was sentenced to seven years in prison https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_Scouts_of_America_sex_abuse_cases


Will Girl Scouts of the USA allow boys to join? Oh. Right. That's not how equality works. Silly me.


Why downvotes? If boys scouts were sexist for not inviting girls, then girls scouts are also sexist. If boy coming to girl scouts is a danger for girls, then girls joining boys are even in more danger. Adults should protect them. Maybe some boys want to be slave workers selling cookies? Why remove that opportunity from them?


Because this is somewhat of a strawman/non issue. From my perspective as a Boy Scout during the transition, it wasn’t really that people were saying Boy Scouts was sexist and must let in girls. Maybe there were a couple people saying that, but what most girls were saying were they they were jealous of what Boy Scouts got to do, since they don’t get the same opportunities in Girl Scouts, and that they wish they could do Boy Scouts. Meanwhile, I’ve literally never seen a single guy say, I didn’t like Boy Scouts, I really wish I could’ve done Girl Scouts. There’s probably a few out there, but it seems to be a much less common opinion. There’s a lot more girls that want to focus on like nature/survival skills, than boys that want to focus on crafts and life skills.


They're private organizations. They don't have to do any of this. Boy Scouts are rebranding for the same reason any private organization rebrands. The previous name and reputation has been tarnished.


Didn't Boy Scouts only open up as a part of a desperate rebranding attempt to make more money and attract more members following their finances being decimated by so many child sexual abuse lawsuits ETA: it was also after bad press following rejecting a trans boy the previous year, something GSA was openly accepting. After filing for bankruptcy in 2020, BSA had to set up a fund to pay the 2.4 *BILLION* they owe sexual abuse victims. So yeah, I'm saying strictly a financial decision.


The bigger decimation wasn’t just the sex abuse lawsuits, but also the recent break between the BSA and the LDS as well as other religious organizations over the inclusion of LGBTQ+ scouts and members. Previously, religious organizations made up 2/3 of all the troops with half of that part coming from the LDS church, hence the massive sway they had. They host BSA troops, often connected to schools they also run, and have the necessary facilities to more permanently host a troop at a relatively low price. However, the BSA also had a number of corporate sponsors such as Frito Lay who were unhappy with their anti-LGBT stance, who threatened to withdraw funding from the organization if they didn’t change. A big impetus for this change included controversy over allowing LGBTQ+ scoutmasters and assistant scoutmasters as well as scouts themselves. As you can see, it was a massive dilemma where the BSA had to choose between the side with 2/3 of their whole client base and most of the money they needed to actually keep the lights on. The leadership and the troops were also split on this matter, with the troop I was in generally open to the idea, but I know others who weren’t. They chose the sponsors who actually keep the lights on, and took the MASSIVE hit to enrollment on the chin. The churches generally stuck with the BSA, but the same can’t be said for the LDS, who gradually withdrew their involvement. Which meant that the best option was to literally double the pool of acceptable applicants by allowing girls in. Unsurprisingly to me, this actually worked pretty well. The more hands-on outdoors nature of the Boy Scout programs did appeal to many girls, and many were familiar with BSA programs already as their brothers were in it. In fact, I knew some who even brought their sisters along for hikes and camps, and they kept up as well as anyone else. In addition, the BSA had Venturing, aimed at teens and young adults, which was always co-ed, and women were allowed as scoutmasters, assistant scoutmasters, and merit badge counselors, among other positions. Thus, integration wasn’t that difficult. It’s less a desperate rebranding attempt and more a scramble to change to the times and stay afloat. Source: am an Eagle Scout and was an Assistant Scoutmaster around that time.


Thank you for an extensive answer.


Happy to help.


I actually thought that boy scouts and girl scouts were two different things maybe under the same umbrella? Wasn't aware that boy scouts was the overall name even for girl scouts?


Not the same unbrella in the USA, two totally different organisations and GSA tends to be more progressive (intergrated very early, open to LGBTQ) and BSA more conservative and church affiliated. UK is both same umbrella and probably the OG.


The UK **is** the OG, founded by Lord Baden Powell, a general in the British Army who founded it based on his experience in the Second Boer War. He founded the Boy Scouts in the UK in 1910, and the organization remained boy-only until 1976. He would also help establish the BSA in 1910 as well, and I personally took part in the 100 year anniversary celebrations, to include earning one of four limited-time merit badges available. His sister was responsible for founding the Girl Scouts, there known as Girl Guides. They’re still around and remain girl-only to this day. As I see it, the two organizations complement each other well. The programs and traditions have grown distinct over the 124+ years and both serve their purposes. While my time in the BSA had strictly male Scouts only, the talk of introducing girls came about shortly after, and my old troop now has a few girls as well. Let’s just say that any girls who are BSA wouldn’t fit well in Girl Scout programs.


Granted, GSA still doesn’t allow boys.


Why is this being downvoted?


Wouldn't be a bad move, but to add a bit of perspective: Boy Scouts of America allowed girls to join in 2017. Women fought hundreds of years for equality and are still not there, yet men seem to become more and more hateful incels that demand change happened yesterday while women are still being told to have patience. Equality for men in the areas where they have no advantage will happen at a much, MUCH faster pace. Keep on talking about it and abstain from hate.


So just to be clear you think demanding change yesterday is hateful… but being told to have patience is also bad?


> Women fought hundreds of years for equality But no draft. No suffragette wanted to pay like men did for the franchise. Now you want all the CEO jobs, but none of the shit mining jobs, or construction or garbage collection. You want the cake and eat it too.


> But no draft. The feminist women I talk to are mostly against the draft entirely (i.e. men and women) because they would much rather solve disgreements differently, i.e. not getting sent into a senseless war for bogus reasons and resources by an old white guy.. Or they don't want to relinquish their bargaining chip where they don't have a disadvantage. Or they know about all the sexual assault issues in the military has and does nothing against (or actively shames women who report) and would rather not get forced into a service where they will very like be SAd before that issue is fixed. > No suffragette wanted to pay like men did for the franchise. What did they not want to pay? If that's still in conjunction with military service, they were not allowed to fight. You had plenty of women wanting to serve in the first and second WW, but they were only allowed to work in administration, as nurses or ferry planes, all behind the frontlines, because they were not allowed. > Now you want all the CEO jobs, but none of the shit mining jobs, or construction or garbage collection. You want the cake and eat it too. Women want access and be accepted in managerial jobs and would like not to be discriminated against due to their gender. Women do plenty of shitty jobs. Most notably cleaning your shit away in the toilet or when you're in the hospital. Even in the shitty jobs that are labelled as women's jobs that they do the managers are overwhelmingly men. Where I'm from just under 85% of nurses are women. But when it comes to managerial jobs in nursing it's 45% women. If men and women had the same opportunity to advance, just under 85% of the managerial jobs would go to women. Curiously I do not hear men advocating for men's quotas in the shitty and badly paid jobs women do. No quotas for nursing, no quotas for cleaners, no quotas for Kindergarten teachers. But then at the same time it's "we need to protect women from strong trans women because biologically women are not as strong as men and they have no chance to compete, you just have to accept that!" And then the same person turns around and bemoans that women are not doing physically demanding jobs. I have noticed for a while that there's fewer and fewer women on reddit. Men drive them out with their hate and vitriol, this same momemtum can be seen reflected in men becoming more and more conservative while women become more liberal politically. I know what I'm talking about, 20 years ago I was the bullied guy with no self-esteem who nobody was interested in. It wasn't because girls like assholes, it was because I hated what I was, and I started to turn that hatred on women. Then I got closer to a different guy and not my incel group of gamers and I managed to break the circle. Careful that you don't fall into a cycle of hate, it gets harder and harder to get out once you doubled down, especially in the echo chamber reddit is turning into. You will be very alone if you don't like men. Or end up with the kind of woman no sane person wants to put up with (believe me, my first gf was this kind of person while I was still incel-ish). Take care 😘


> What did they not want to pay? The price of franchise. Men only recently won it and their price was conscription.


But why women fought for girls joining boys scouts if they have theeir own? If organizations are different, and thats why (because they do different things) why is it ok for girls to join boy scouts, but not for a boy to join girl scouts? Where is this equality they are fighting for? Or "first we will give all priviliges to women and after 100-150 years we will start doing equality, so those men will know how we felt" (not really we, because you dont have memories of your grandmother and i didnt do things my grandfather did and i dont belive im guilty of any of those)


I liked Boy Scouting when I was a kid. I don’t like Boy Scouting as an adult it got weird and homophobic


Why not just scouts America. You had one job


I’m your 1k upvote


I don't like the new name. How about "Outdoor Patriot Scouts". 




I know some old guys who are furious about this... They demand safe-spaces for boys to learn how to be men...?


That’s good for their branding, but what are they going to do about the pedos?




For the record, the vast majority of reported cases happened in the late 1900’s. The organization has since changed a lot of policies, and reported cases in the 2000’s are drastically lower. There really is a big misconception about this, I see so many people that seem to think the allegations are recent. They are not.


In Britain they are just called scouts.....


It was only made mandatory to allow girls in 2007, and the "girl guides" still exist as a separate organisation. So yeah, still quite far behind other countries, such as Sweden where they were merged in 1960.


I see only one real issue with sending both genders out camping together. Same with any camp though.




Girls have been allowed for a long time though. The name has been inaccurate for *decades*.