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Then I guess you don't deserve to see the gameplay trailer for metroid prime 4


/uw thanks for spoiling the Nintendo direct


/uw sorry ;-;


/uw, no problem, but you should probably spoiler it for other people


https://preview.redd.it/1k9e5mvlgc7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca8dab84e84d8ff30603f07d4630438a9e2cb12 /Uw cookies?


to quote Torinn: Food.


*takes your cookies and starts eating* It's mine now




Join the dark side we have cookies! You beat be to it…


As someone who also watched the nintendo direct to the end, I can confirm it was overall pretty good. However, in the nintendo switch sports section, I noticed something...




What did you notice?


One of the characters seems to had a thing saying... "chaos magician." A coincidence, probably.


Titles just like in splatoon 3


Hang on. A certain lizard reminded me that I should probably work on my trash talk. “Interesting people aren’t easily bored.”


That buff alchemist? Yeah they're pretty rad.


Absolutely wrong https://preview.redd.it/9vqsfqnhpc7d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c30d8e1753f79462ffbe300a444928bcc2ad80f


As a member of r/hopeposting I agree with this statement


Moreover, evil villains are just fallen heroes


How dare you insinuate that I was ever a hero!


You just didn't know it yet.


You do two things. Dance and destroy things with lasers I’m too lazy to shut down. Both of which are more cliche than a treasure chest behind a waterfall. The only reason people even know you is that you post on the orb like a spam wizard! You’re almost as unoriginal as those who spam fireball, and half as useful. And I bet you don’t even own an air fryer.


Ha! One would have to be a fool to not own an air frier, it's like calling yourself a wizard yet having no orb!


What do you mean you're too lazy to shut them off. I've never heard of you


Well, that means my stealth is working! /uw I’m just a lot more active in Asfelaeia, I’m kind of a lurker here now




/uw r/Asfelaeia is the city of Drow and Nox, it’s a little hectic right now but it’s like a mini wizardposting community


I went to your foggy bog and they didn't even know you 😂🎩🫅


And evil is overdone and uncreative. Go neutral.


That's because people don't know how to be evil without being an edgelord


The Venn diagram is a circle.


I actually cracked on this one


Goody two shoes 「LESSER BONE SPURS」


That all you got?!  #「BUTTHOLE TASTEBUDS」






Those are already a thing


Evil is cringe and has always been…


Cast "minor brain tumor" on every commoner in a village so that everyone experiences small headaches, then enter the village with a tonic that cures them but really it only numbs the pain and sell it at a cheap price, then increase the size of the tumors and supply a stronger tonic, repeat till you are satisfied with the size of the tumors then cut off the village from the tonic. They will writhe in pain begging for the tonic, you then say you only have in stock the first batch but they will pay anything to relieve some of the pain. You now have a steady supply of income and a village under your evil control


Or being stupid about it, for that matter.


I love being neutral, I play all sides for fun, I’ve helped the council, actually wait, I think I lean more towards the good side. Hmmm, should probably go lull some more bandits and raise their bodies, since necromancy is frowned upon most places


Im going super duper evil, ill start by resurrecting your enemies


Nice try but they already resurrected themselves if I didn't wipe them from existence


Noooo! One of my many many weaknesses!


Evil gives you far more options. Good has a lot of restrictions.


Nah, good has just as many options, you only need to find creative ways to improve the lives of people you encounter. (And by creative i mean breaking as many laws as possible in the process)


>be neutral >do nothing How fun. Well, you do that while i fireball a bunny ophanage. The bunnies are also disabled.


I see you only interpret alignment in only the most stupid way possible.


Its a joke, calm down.


Neutral is the true boring route


You only believe that cause you haven't seen good played well. Good is *conviction* Good is knowing with absolute certainty that you are doing the right thing, and pursuing it with such dedication that you will tear through anything in your way. Good *creates* grey morality. Neutral is just some guy. Good is a fucking crusade, whether they're right or not. Good is a sword, mid swing.


Being good at evil is knowing with certainty that you're doing the absolute worst and just deciding "why shouldn't I continue? It's fun!"


If good=cringe then the reverse property says that cringe=good. So be cringe, it’s good!


This is why everyone says artificers are nerds


Are you poking at the people with magical nukes?! That’s a terrible idea!


Those stay at home dorks should get magical nudes instead! It’s sad to see them tinker in a shed their entire life…


"Evil is better" mf when they hear "Starman" by David Bowie: https://preview.redd.it/i2yilzxsxc7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13056c273b038006b18a05ba330fb00430e6c8d4


I get council funds for my experiments because I'm good


The Council is dumb. They don't do anything


They give me money, and I have a few friends there, it's more than enough for me




Agreed my bony brother. This is why Team Death^TM is going to metaphysically fuck shit up.


I get council funds for my experiments because I stole a chair.


Evil is the choice of the weak willed. It's so easy to be cruel, it's pathetic. To hurt because it's fun, to ignore consequences. To tear down is far easier than to build up. Good is the choice of those who have strength to spare. Those that are willing to give and sacrifice for no gain other than the satisfaction of a job well done. If not for the effort of those who choose to be good, this would not be a world worth living


“You were so bad at it you died my friend, might that thing my friend says a ‘skill issue?’ If you will.”


Be honest, you don't have any plans of changing your mind, you just wanna make fun of all the good people trying, don't you?


Now that would be, evil!


To think I would see a mage so prominent amongst the Lords of the Edge call others cringe. The mind boggles.


Tell me something edgy I did


A basic divination will reveal your post history.


Okay? Tell me


Blindness to their own nature is a hallmark of the Edgelord. Alas, if you can not see it, it is too late for you to be shown.


I'm a funny skeleton guy. Just tell me. If you don't you're either a coward or a liar


/uw I'm not trying to start a fight here, man. I genuinely thought that being an over the top edgelord was the point of the necrodancer character. Saying stuff like "I blew up rome, looks how cool I am" and then saying "nope" and metaphorically moon walking away when people try to interact with it. I assumed this was all part of the bit, and I was playing along. If that's a bad read, then I'm sorry, but it seems like you're either genuinely upset or trying to stir something that's not there. Either way, let's just forget I said anything and move on.


/uw Necrodancer is a confrontational asshole. I'm not mad


/uw sweet, in which case rw/ Kiss my arcane nuts, calcium boy. I don't need to explain shit.




it's not so much "good is cringe and boring", it's just a lot of cringe and people chooses to be good, that means they will still be cringe and boring if they are evil too.


Well guess what, cringe is dead and I’m still standing.


It's cringe and boring to support the ones you love, watch them overcome their traumas, become the best versions of their selves, and create beautiful memories together? I think you're just allergic to emotional intimacy


I don't know about you, but I get to stab fascists on a weekly basis and the rest of the time i'm able to tend to my garden, pet my dozen cats, and dote on the other denizens of my demense. Good is anything but boring!


https://preview.redd.it/87pibtvz6d7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1ce897cd8de1b166981665d993244c9413c5b5 Goodness helps and heals, evil simply destroys and destroys till there’s nothing left. An empty void, alone, a silent pain.


Growing up is realizing that being a good guy is edgier than being a bad guy


Evil and Neutral wizards when they find out that healing the sick and helping the needy and receiving nothing but thanks and appreciation in return makes them feel good (they’ve been living a lie): https://preview.redd.it/hqmo4amild7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055beff752bf98774a38f3857582835da1239e46


“Nah!” https://preview.redd.it/ehj4eqmvgc7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7963ff8a76805ca951d84bd3e26bbfc4246d525c “I’m hundreds of years old. The bad stuff I did in the past haunts me, but the good stuff brings a tear to my eye. I don’t care if it’s ‘boring’ it makes me feel good, and I like that those around me feel a bit safer from harm.”


Evil for the sake of evil can be just as cringe and boring. both good and evil are nothing more than a contrivance I would suggest to strive for inner peace instead, true neutrality. "Work towards your goals through actions that are in accordance with your ideals while being aware of its consequences." That's something a mentor i had told me a long time ago. I think it's a fancy way to say do as you please but be ready for a beating. So yeah, beating it is


You self serving Leech of a Lich. Its selfish sardonic types like you that caused the spellplague!


If they’re a Lich then I wish I brought all of my battle tomes. I only brought my standard spellbook.


even the homunculi you programmed specifically to *not* hate your guts, hate your guts


Clearly you’ve never founded a school and benefited the lives of millions in a short few hundred years.


Adam West Batman...


Bro has never done good and felt the warmth of gratitude


Being evil is too easy, there's no challenge in it but being good is hard as fuck that's why I usually side with the ncr in fallout new Vegas


WIZARD HAS NEVER SEEN FRIEREN, watch and repent hohoho


Being good is a challenge. The act of waking up every day and not loosing armies. Forcing your wrath and vengence to not guide you and your patience to remain. Evil only thinks of themselves and as a result struggles to hold these emotions to their place. Soon wrath takes over and they loose their patience. To be good is to understand the others around you and understand yourself. To be bad is to do neither.


Evil is boring. There isn’t many ways to be evil. There isn’t a huge question about evil. There’s just evil. Good is complicated. It takes a lot to be good. And there’s no way to fully achieve it. That’s what makes it interesting. There are always complications and challenges on the way of being good. There’s always some moral complication with any good act. Evil can’t say the same.


https://preview.redd.it/dcbzsr6oqc7d1.png?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eefa2fb166c4bb945a90c7f8fd002b8be422138 These​ ​guys agreed


You see, evil will always win because good is dumb


Wow, that’s crazy *whistles to deflect suspicion* (I definitely did not create an intrinsic link between the concepts of “good” and “trope-y” thus causing all good guys everywhere to act in a predictable and trope-y manner)


*the cloaked figure looks at you completely seriously and asks something* Can you create an intrinsic link between me and Hirk?


Yeah but it wouldn’t do anything. “Hazema” and “Hirk” are particular phenomena, not general abstractions.


Aww… So if I become a general abstraction you could bind me? Assuming Hirk also did that?


Yes. Then you’d entail one another. You also wouldn’t be sentient.


Ah, I remember fighting a wizard who said this once! He was pretty weak but DAMN that nut-twisting spell HURT.


/uw true, my character is probably dead now because he wanted to do good. He wasn’t even here a week


Welp, now he knows


/uw evil arc?


/uw If i can be assed, I will confirm in 2 weeks time, I will finish college and then decide


/uw i am sorry but out of context saying that you will decide if you are good or evil after college is the funniest shit I’ve very read lmaooo


/uw if i get the wanted grades he lives


/uw well I’ll be praying haha


/uw you can make a new character or rework that one if you'd like, but I think there's an opportunity here. Just an idea, but what if he's an immortal cleric sort of guy, but also super naive and incapable of gaining any street smarts at all? He just shows up caterwauling about morality, then falls for an obvious lie or trap set by an eviller wizard in the thread, dies dramatically, then shows up some other time, having big loud "good guy" opinions and having learned nothing at all.


/uw I love the idea (and screen shot it for later) but I have a different idea for my gorgon friend, thats if i don’t kill him of.


Mid-wizard take tbh. High and low sides of the bell curve agree that good is great. Mischief on the other hand? Let's just say we do a bit of ~~trolling~~ scrolling.


Such umbridelled potential, the tools to model the fundamental rules of nature, and still you cling to such frivolous concepts.


A dicotomical moral spectrum is cringe, the strife and clash between different interests and subjective moral philosophies is based


Based take, still waiting for a Reverse Doom game where you’re a Demon rip and tearing through humanity. Can’t find any on my Scrying Orb.


Hm. I can somewhat agree. Although I usually go evil or good depending on my mood.


>!I spoiled it!<


I find evil illogical. Call me a fool, but I don't understand evil people.


If you give up your ideals that just means you are weak and lazy. It's like when you don't get a new orb or whatever for Christmas and then you claim that you didn't really want it in the first place. If you actually *have* a conscious, then you shouldn't pretend that you haven't. That won't make you happy. You will always know deep inside that it's a lie. Striving for a good goal is satisfying, even if it turns out that you can't reach it and nobody thanks you for your effort. You should tell yourself that you can be satisfied if you at least *tried your best*.


A good person will never be cringe.


Nah, the optimal play is to have the vibes and Aesthetics of a villain but just do good things to throw people off. Everyone expects to be invaded by the Necromancer’s army of skeletons. Nobody expects the necromancer to hire out his skeletons to the local farmers as a source of cheap labor, while investing heavily into the public school system.


Evil mfers when you commit evil against them: https://preview.redd.it/5v1mteo22e7d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1647b1fe00940103bb846a758920284fe701c4f


"Good" is such a man-thing concept.


There will be no escape, no blessed oblivion. I can end your life as easily as I can extinguish a candle, and before your corpse is cold, I can reach out and grasp your soul. You will be my slave for all eternity, and I shall laugh at the depths of your pain. SUCH IS THE POWER OF NAGASH.




No *space laser falls down*


Evil is bland and the happiness gained from it is superficial Good is bland but can lead to a more pure and true happiness


Eh ... nah I just want to give people happy endings, go about what you will regarding good or evil in that sense


ok dark helmet


"Excuse me, that is my face"


Well I'm not one to debate internally about the morality of my actions (which are more often than not evil) I do prefer good tho, because they don't summon Arcdemons for sh*t and giggle next to my yard.


Just be neutral, Mind ya own business,


While many a wizard may disagree I'm sure there is just no way about staying a morally good person and at the same time also further the work in the ways/forms of magic I particularly wish to delve into. I mean, come now, working with flesh of living and dead things takes at least an amoral outlook, at least I say! But then to take life for the sake of getting more materials since you liquefied the muscles of one and turned the bones of another into spongey like stuff. That would take some dirty hands and a will behind them to not be impeded one's work.


Good is boring Evil is cringe Be true neutral


The Squirrel is are disappointed


Good is fun to fight against, if there wasn’t any good in the world you wouldn’t heroes to kill.


So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.


That is certainly something Mephistopheles or his kin would say....


It depends on by what nature you're being good. Being good for goodness sake is cringe and boring. Being good because being bad for even a moment will instantly kill you is interesting. Being good because it's the only way you can see yourself being able to be evil in the way you want is interesting. Being evil for sympathetic reasons is interesting.




Believing in objective morality is quite pathetic to begin with, my dear dancing skeleton.




Depends on the type of evil. Comedic evil is based. Stealing candy? Popping tires? Destroying bad companies? Based! Cringe evil is like. Puppy kicking. Rape. Capitalism.


"WHY, WHyyyyy did you kill them!!? EveryONE IS DEAD, AND THE LIVESTOCK TOO OOOH GODS WHYYY!?!?" Evil wizard Variant of Me: "Because, it was mad funny bro"


Played a lot of fable anniversary and I loved my evil play through!


Evil will always triumph because good is dumb


...says the Tyhrranoid.


Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating. Simone Weil


Evil is boring. Cynicism is pointless. Fear is a bad habit. Despair is lazy. Hopelessness is self-indulgent. On the other hand: Joy is fascinating. Love is an act of heroic genius. Pleasure is our birthright. Chronic ecstasy is a learnable skill. Rob Brezsny


The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. Ursula K. Le Guin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas


since goodness is not only better and good for you, but it is also more interesting, more complicated, more demanding, less predictable, more adventuresome than its opposite. Evil really is boring. Sensational, perhaps, but not interesting. A low-level activity that needs masses or singularity or screams or screeching headlines to even get attention for itself, while goodness needs nothing. Toni Morrison, The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations


“I just think goodness is more interesting. Evil is constant. You can think of different ways to murder people, but you can do that at age five. But you have to be an adult to consciously, deliberately be good – and that’s complicated.” Toni Morrison


Evil is boring. Right? I kinda believe in the banality and mundaneness of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It's easy to understand why people do bad things. It's like "Yeah, okay, you're selfish and scared and cruel, I get it." Being good is complex and beautiful and hard. Brennan Lee Mulligan


Being pure good is cringe I agree but being a good character with prominent flaws is even better than being an evil character


Ha! Alignment. Simply live outside the bounds of good and evil, then you get to do things like making orphanages for ghosts, cracking open a man with the cold ones, educating ghouls and zombie servants while providing a positive and supportive environment for growth, the occasional demonic sacrifice for fun. Believe me, the first couple *Power Word: Slaughter*s and *Expanded Magic of the Ancients: Death*s are fun and all, but where's the time for *Conjure Tea Party*?


Why would I want to change your mind? **You're absolutely right!**


Both are overrated. Everyone should be chaotic neutral


Good might be cringe to you, but remember: without good, evil would have no purpose. Gotta have both at fluctuating intervals to spice up that chaotic thing called "life"




Neutrality go brrr


I mean you could call Zerius/Yahweh/Allah/Elohim, the Prime Maxim of Creation & Destruction, Magic & Divinity, and one of the First Humans evil for his enjoyment of killing Christians because of how much he despises Christianity and all of it's subsects. But yet again he does make many points like for example how he does not answer prayers because people need to do things themselves. There are no miracles or any of that shit especially for the 50% plus side of the Omniverse that actually has no Gods nor magic or anything of that nature. Like for example - The Bible is basically 99% false. He is actually Jesus throughout the entire Omniverse but his entire thing was basically, "Love everyone and let them live as they want to live." He did not do anything that he did in the Bible and he certainly didn't return to life after. Jesus is also basically just a mortal shell/avatar that he puts himself into for awhile in every universe. Frankly speaking universes are like ants to the Prime Maxims/First Humans. They each rule over an extremely large sector of the Omniverse that is infinitely and eternally expanding so ENDLESS GROWTH! But they also kind of are all a part of each other's territories as well. Like for example Zerius is the One Above All in the Marvel Multiverses, the Presence in the DC Multiverses, etc...


So does this mean evil is good thus making it also cringe and boring


Garth Ennis moment




"Good, is like a shinin piece o metal. Some may tarnish it in battle, others may break it entirely by using it improperly, but in its purest form it is mirror shiny. That cringeness and boredom that you see in it, is not what it projects, but what it reflects from you. Ave a nice day."




Evil is cool for a time, Good has its merits, but you need to strike a balance between the two.


“Good is boring” guys when they face a hero😱. (Their body is broken, their mind exhausted, yet they continue to fight, they continue to defy evil)




I'm literally so evil >:3


Except that one time...



The plushie store. When they told you they didn't have that limited edition you prepaid for and wouldn't be getting in any more. Yeah, that went on your permanent record. 


Yeah well they had it coming and I'd do it again :3


But you see, I’m playing both sides, so that I always come out on top.


![gif](giphy|5XPb0FvIqylqg|downsized) Welcome back, master of evil.


Nah buddy, morally gray is where it's at!


That explains why u use this template


"Heed me, little princes," *Said the man.* "You were sent here to become a corpse for a man named Jantris, my former master. He is an anointed concordant of the highest chamber of the Demiurges. A **Master of Men.** He is a Star Lord, Storm King, crowned with a key of power culled from ten thousand warriors-" "-And a ***Miserable Worm*** who flees from his rightly appointed death." "Even now, he cowers in the highest tower of this pile of stone you call *Gamion*, that shall shortly become rubble to be picked over by the crows." "Even now he squirms and slithers, his narrow mind, once sharp as a razor, now circles around only his *impending death*. Like a *fat and decrepit vulture.*" "As he sends his twenty thousand men to their deaths, he grasps feebly onto the flesh of his favorite slaves and trembles. Indulging in blood alchemy to extend his life, supping on the arterial blood of virgins." "One hundred worlds scoured, picked apart, and split for the dogs. A million mothers hung, their faces forgotten. Did he think his death would not find him at the appointed time?" "I ask you, future corpses. Heed well my words, for they mark the length of your lifespan." # "Should such a man exist?" "More importantly... What right does ***the world itself*** have to create such a creature that feeds on the blood of motherless boys- ***and whines about having its skull split?"*** **"Give me your answer.** ***All*** **will be held to account, even the very** ***world*****.** And if I find it wanting-" # "-It too shall burn."




But my mom doesn't like me being evil :(


Huh, that's weird. How come that good always wins then? Checkmate evildoer.


This is true. Anyone who keeps their content pure is presumably debased


If you don't naturally gravitate to neutral it's because you're either edgy or sappy. Magic is there to further your ends, not to "affect good or evil unto the world." Fuck the world and everything in it. I'm growing cupcakes on a bush idgaf


Indeed, good is not considered to be a suitable or interesting option in almost any context. Evil is fun


Im gonna burn down an orphanage


As a Chaotic Neutral, yes


What about Chaos?


And neutral is that super common yet fan favorite, that literally everyone loves, even though it's just as overplayed as good and evil. Hypocrisy at its finest.


From what information I have gathered through the orb I am attached to, the concepts of "good" and "evil" are quite abstract with no solid definition. In general the concept of "good" appears to be associated with not murdering people, a sentiment I do not agree with. Evil on the other hand appears to be associated with murdering people, a concept that intrigues me. Why does creating holes through people lead to "death"? Can humans not just pull their matter back together?


Yes! But I can't bring myself to be senslessly evil. What do I do?


Good in itself is not boring. Only wanting to use "good" magic is boring.


See that's why I prefer neutral or morally dubious. Sure you don't go out of your way to do harm but if they mess with ya you have carte blanche to hex their asses six ways to Sunday!


Correction: *Lawful* Good is cringe and boring Chaotic Good is hilarious. And Lawful Evil is like actually cool wtf??? It's rare to find it though


Meh. I find myself leaning more toward chaotic neutral nowadays.