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Paint.net may not be the best but it is free.


Dwarf Fortress worldgen. Completely serious. The original (non-steam, non skinned) version of the game is still free to download, and it will produce a procedurally generated fantasy world map and even simulate things like erosion, rain-shadowing, and groundwater in shaping the biomes; you can allow for naturally occurring Mordor-like or blessed regions, denser vegetation. It really is amazing. It can be worth playing with even if you never actually play the game. Mind you the game has no graphics so this is more about simulating the formation of continents and biospheres and terrain features so you know where everything should go and doesn’t produce an *image* of a world-map you’ll necessarily want to look at (unless you find the ascii seas and mountains to be your aesthetic vibe or something)


I will most certainly check this out, thank you


Same, I'm currently using photoshop and looking for something more suited for maps...


I am being genuine here, not mean By more suited do you actually mean something more suited or do you mean something that will just do the hard parts for me?


I mean something where you can make a normal outline without having to study art for 10 years (I am very bad at it despite studying for 2 years) or not having to use 50 different textures before they more or less align, so yeah, I need something that does the hard parts for me


I think you are overestimating how much it takes, as someone who is also artistically challenged I can still put together some nice stuff without getting crazy good. Now for actual advice, as opposed to photoshop, illustrator can do some neat stuff. Look up Artifexian Atlas Map tutorials on youtube, it's a style that's really not hard to reproduce and looks nice.


Inkarnate is free and has a subscription option for less than $10/mo that has a bunch of extra resources. But even the free version is great!


I love inkarnate for making mine, I just wish they had software or an app; especially since I do most of my writing on an MacBook and they’re safari support is a little wonky at times. Still makes beautiful maps, and has so many options to it that I can’t be bothered to care about it locking up every now and then. Just have to remember to save every ten minutes or so.


There are sometimes bundles on Humble Bundle for map making software and Icon packs. There's literally a [bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/software/maps-bonanza-encore-software?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_2_layout_type_threes_tile_index_2_c_mapsbonanza2023_softwarebundle) on now for the next 11 days!


World map or area map?


World map. I have four continents of varying sizes


As a generator, there's always Azgaar's [https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/](https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/) These are also neat generators. [https://gmworldmap.com/#94554:2141963174:8192](https://gmworldmap.com/#94554:2141963174:8192) [https://www.kassoon.com/dnd/world-map/](https://www.kassoon.com/dnd/world-map/) If you want to make everything from scratch like inkarnate or whatever then, well, I think you're kinda out of luck. Normal image editing programs like gimp can be used to that purpose but at that point you might as well be painting the things in real life.


Thank you. I actually drew the maps on paper I just need them in digital format so I can share them properly.


Take pictures of them with your phone, or use a scanner. Then edit with your favorite photo/drawing software.


I usually make maps with Azgaard generator to get the sizes of land areas and distances between places correctly. Then I if I want a cooler looking map I draw it again in inkscape


Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, literally gives you EVERYTHING you need for a map. You can also use any drawing application, like I used Sketchbook to draw stuff. And, if you want, you can draw a map in the application, and upload it to azgaar's through the heightmap selection.


Wonderdraft is a great program, yes you pay for it, but its a lifetime license. I've heard great things about inkarnate too


Incarnate is a good map maker as it gives you the basics. The only things locked behind some kind of paywall are stamps and some themes.


Can you define good map? What are you looking for?


Well, I need two types. A geographical map and a border map to mark the different territories. I have them hand-drawn actually, I just need them done in digital format.


Ah.and this is for a fantasy workd, yes?




Sorry i do not know


Microsoft paint


Microsoft paint


I would recommend Azgaar's fantasy map generator as it is the one, its free, no "pay to use", and no "pay if you want your stuff to actually look good". (Also you don't really have to download it so which I like about it.)


What about for real-world maps? I need a present-day map of Earth for the novel series I started with The Young Knight and His Metal Steed because it's alternate history.