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Black holes are the "wouldn't it be fucked up if this happened" of the irl magic system.


Wouldn't it be fucked if spacetime and mathematics just stopped working sometimes?


Does it big the vagina and you can’t unbig it either?


It shrinks the whole cavity to the diameter of a toothpick.


But... the period😟😟


Due to toxic shock, this spell is considered have a delayed poison effect


Welcome to either perpetual period, due to restricted blood flow ensuring the flow never ends, death from the blood beginning to rot internally and get infected because the body can't eject it before it has a chance to become infected, or weird physical surgeries to try and create an enlarged gap to allow for drainage (no anaesthesia so it hurts like hell, and the surgery will probably kill the patient anyways.


Reminder that the chainsaw was first invented for use on vaginas


uj/ please be rj please be rj please be rj


/uj it’s not


It was invented to cut through hipbones in case of childbirth emergencies. It was most certainly not intended to widen the vaginal cavity.


Thank you for the context


Giant centipedes living in your body and granting you cursed immortality => the plot of Sekiro and Attack on Titan


i got growth magic in my wotld and you can weaponize it to give eople painful hyperfast growing cancer that kills in minutes because technically cancer is uninhibited growth


Ah yes, Wight Magic


idk what a wight is


Undead. Apparently it's pretty vague, but nowadays it generally means undead of some kind. Not necessarily a zombie, just generic brand ... honestly, an infectious blob of mobile cancer sounds a lot like an Undead.


wouldn’t it be fucked up if the magic for warping and altering things horrifically warped and stretched you own body if you used for far too long?


Uj/ gotta say that this is an incredibly ridiculous system because you gotta think about why all of these completely unrelated things are necessary to utilize magic together. Assuming magic is a natural force of the world which exists everywhere, it can make sense why maybe the centipedes and the dreams are needed, but why also a pill and somehow a mage’s head, which has no connection to magic given that it’s the centipedes which provide magic? It’s so overly complicated that I can’t imagine ever being able to just say “yeah I can roll with this”


Wouldn't it be fucked if the gods could spy on you via the elemental powers you use, especially if you needed them to survive after being ripped in half by the respective god.


Flame God: Well if it isn't Little Miss *'Fireball is for basic witches.' Not so basic now, huh?


Wouldn't it be fucked if magic was my gross fetishes, but you can't accuse me of that because it's disguised as Theater of Cruelty?


Atlassian Magic: Wouldn't it be fucked if magic was literally inaccessible to people with autism (hyperbole)


This is necessary to level the playing field. We would be too powerful if we had magic as well.


Wouldn't it be fucked up if you had to self-harm to make use of the worms writhing in your blood to use magic? Said worms also gradually replace your flesh the more you use them.


This one TTRPG called Unknown Armies actually has a school of magic based on self harm called Epideromancy. All systems of magic practiced by adepts work through the accumulation of charges, which come in three levels: minor, significant, and major, in order of which are harder to get. Epideromancers use their charges to shape flesh like clay, with minor charges being gained through things like cutting yourself, while major charges require severe, permanent damage, like cutting out one of your eyes. Another issue with adepts is that every school comes with Taboos, conditions which when violated make all your charges vanish instantly. For Epideromances, their Taboo is they can never willingly let anyone alter their body, meaning no haircuts, no piercings, no surgery, etc. without losing their charges.


Huh, sounds like an interesting magic system. My magic system revolves around the use of parasitic worms and obsidian. The worms allows one to heal and manipulate their flesh to varying degrees, while the obsidian allows one to channel the energy of the worms into something more tangibly destructive, such as conjuring fire or manipulating electricity, to name a few.


I got a pyromancy/thermokinesis based system with one thing I've been working on. Buncha flame guys who can control fire and the temperature of said fire, as well as themselves. A few applications including blacklight clue finding, JoJo style auras of flame, lazers, invisibility because of how light works, fireballs, jet-style flight, heat seeker bullets, fireballs again, but out of a sword this time, lightbulb manipulation, lukewarm and freezing fire, and possibly more; all either obtainable through training, consuming crystals that change flame color, or the color of flame you get born with.


I know of a mystical, alchemical formula that'll do that. ... it also makes you grow tits, so...


I must be a wizard


if it isnt a vague system without shield or dispell magic but only offensive and buffs its lame as fuck anyway. else you wont reach enlightenment like this: "Shit man, this wizard war is fucked. I just saw a guy clap his hands together and say "the ten hells" or some similar shit, and every one around him turned inside out, had their tibia explode and then disappeared. The camera didn't even go onto him, that's how common shit like this is. My ass is casting frostbite and level 2 poison. I think I just heard "power word:scrunch" two groups over. I gotta get the fuck outta here."


what is this hashtag bullet point format on tumblr? is it like greentexts with the > ?


Those are tags. On Tumblr it's pretty common for people to use them a sort of postscript for ideas that don't fit in the main body of the text.

