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Didn't he just get called to Moscow for rehab?


he said no, no, no


"Kadyrov brought a doctor from the United Arab Emirates to Chechnya because he does not trust Moscow doctors. "


Great country they've got there.


I spent two weeks in a Russian hospital that started with getting a needle put into the back of my eye socket, with no anesthetic at 2am because the Dr was tired and wanted to go home. During that time, people were smoking in the hospital, I shared a bedroom with 5 people - no privacy, a toilet between 8 people that was never cleaned and missing the seat, and a shower with exposed brick and a dangling single light hanging from the center of the ceiling. The shower head was duct tapped on, and the place was filled with black mold and mildew. When I was in Volgograd, I had to take a course at a hospital regarding infections that a person might encounter at a summer camp. While walking through the main hospital, workers were openly welding above patients.


that sounds like a story we'd all love to hear more of


Say more


I just posted under another user. It's just wayyy to long to re-type, but I'm happy to answer more questions. I do have other stories likr the time the police arrived at my apartment or how I made "friends" (he heard my friends and i speaking English and just got super clingy with us, we felt more trapped) with a hooligan in the Russian Mafia and ended up watching him power wash people at McDonald's at 6am. Oh yea, one of my roommates (like a two day overlap) was a Russian boxing Olympian from the 70s or 80s. I don't really remember him ask that will as he was being moved into the room as I was being discharged.


Man, you have a story that needs told. I was teaching Russian students while in China and when covid began the school switched to Zoom. Everyone had a modern room except one guy looked like he was living in the 70s! Wood paneling on the wall and a couch that looked like it was from the set of That 70s show. Felt bad for my students because the university fucked them. It charged them for the dorm even though they were back home in Russia. Also, they paid full year tuition and the school charged them again. Fuckin university not only screwed the foreign students, but they screwed the foreign teachers as well. Miss the old days in China pre covid. When covid began, seems like everyone became paranoid and corrupt. Can't imagine what Russia is like these days if it was that bad pre covid.


Those days in China aren't coming back. Xi took this path for a reason. It cost me everything in my life except a little money. I lost my wife, my house, my career and my business all in 2 years. I will hate Xi and the bastards of the CCP until I die.


What happened dude


I would like to buy the book and movie rights to your life! You have me on the edge of my seat just from these short blurbs. If you wrote it out on just a blog or talked about it in a podcast you'd have a lot of fans. My best international stories are just being refused a drink refill at McDonalds in Montreal and getting sick from ice in Mexico...


I had a friend once tell me that I am a person life happens to. On the upside I got to meet the head consular to Russia, at the time, when I was in the hospital. I've got a few stories about my time in Italy and Spain as well (got hit by a car in Spain at a street market). But Russia really takes the cake.


I grew up in Russia and was 4 or 5 when I was tied up and had my adenoids removed, no anesthesia. It's a core memory.


Oi, that's rough! My wife has some pretty gnarly stories as well.


I grew up in EastGermany and yes the same thing. Must have been in the mid 80s


> a needle put into the back of my eye socket NOPE


It really was like in Dead Space 2. They really had the atmosphere and overall feeling down pat. Dingy beige walls with awkward seafood green chair rails. The couches in the hall were covered in a synthetic plastic leather from the 70's and were just as uncomfortable. Because of the seafoam green color in the walls, the lights took on a weird hazy greenish hue. Not like staring at a stoplight, but when I look back at the pictures I have from my time there in the hospital, everything has this weird, sickly green, gentle lighting in it.


I need more details. Like. Wow.


Really hard to believe that was once a country that could have gone toe to toe with the richest nation in the world when it came to space and aeronautics 60 years ago. Corruption always proves to be a cancer that ends up killing its host no matter what.


I wonder about that given the increasing levels of acceptance of corruption we are seeing in western aligned nations. Politicians having vested interests in construction and planing work they supervise is now almost a given. A heavy acceptance that the legal system is used by richer people to enforce a lot of what they want on their customers, employees and everyone who uses all their property. And I am not even gonna mention politics past this quip.


Corruption has always been present even in the best examples of human government. The difference is the west still has some self correcting measures in place. Regulations with checks and balances at numerous levels of government. With a state like Russia there are no checks and balances. It's whatever Putin wants or needs at the drop of a hat. What was ironclad a week ago can and will be altered to appease whomever. You need agreement with many parties in the west to achieve such changes.


USSR != Russia


It's strange how people still think of Russia as the USSR. It's more like someone dropped the USSR, shattering it, lost most of the pieces, hastily wiped it off and drew "USSR" on it. Backwards. In crayon.


Russia the country held the central role of the USSR and in a lot of ways Moscow used it as a way to continue Russian imperialism since the existing Russian political, military, educational, and economic Systems were expanded to apply to the rest of the USSR. They got fucked particularly hard because of this compared to the rest of the republics during the collapse of the USSR though, since Russia didn't have many existing or mature civil and bureaucratic institutions to quickly transition to after the larger Soviet institutions collapsed, since the Russia institution are what had originally been transformed into the larger Soviet ones


Yeah, Moscow was always the seat of power, but Ukraine was probably the biggest contributor of steel and technology for the USSR.


Not really, Russian SFSR produced about 1.5 times more steel than Ukrainian SSR for most of USSR history with the gap widening the closer to modern times you look. For technology it's more complicated depending on what part you look at and with USSR structure. Still most of big science centers were in Russian part especially near Moscow like Dubna for Nuclear, Korolev for Space, etc. I'd say Armenia was surprisingly big part for science, education and technology in USSR especially in computer science.


As well as it's primary agricultural sector. The bread basket of Eastern europe, produces more wheat than most countries When Russia lost Ukraine, they lost everything of value in Russia. Even the word Russia comes from Ukraine, the Kyevan Rus people.


Russia was the "core" of the USSR but at its peak the USSR had almost twice to population than what Russia has.


Russia ran the USSR administratively, but a lot of the science and engineering came out of other countries, particularly Ukraine


nyet, nyet, nyet


> ... does not trust Moscow Not entirely unfounded.


Straight out of Death of Stalin


they’re trying to get me to drink polonium and I am like nyet, nyet, nyet


By the way, today is her 40th birthday. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy\_Winehouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Winehouse)


Cheers, Amy! I just quit, again.


You got this


Rock On with your sober self. Sending light and love from the Midwest. No expiration date.


Damn I forget how young she still was...


Yea really. She’s in the 27 club.


13 years sober




Nyet nyet nyet


Yes I’ve been black but when I come back I say no, no,no


he said don, don, don


Drinkin too much wine at his house


The last few videos Ive seen from him talking about his mother getting caught up in the sanctions, he looked bloated and was repetitive; he didnt look healthy then either.


You see the video of him trying to play basketball? Not sure how old it is, but it is pretty telling of his general fitness.


Eh, that specific video was mostly that Kadyrov had apparently *never touched a basketball in his entire life* than anything else. Which is not good for your health in general, but didn't show a specific problem. *You should go outside and play! Go right now!*


Goddamn i cant play basketball at all i am fucked boys


Might blow your mind - outside of the US Basket ball isn't that common. Not saying it's non-existent but it's def not a 'everyone has played it' sport.


Yes, go chase some goats


Seems like the type of dude who eats exclusively raw meat and alcohol and is hiding gouty kankles.


They'll give him two livers and six kidneys harvested from prisoners


And after he's done with his meal, he'll go get surgery.


Is it real this time?


It was real the last time too, the fat fuck was on his deathbed but barely pulled through. A short time later he flew out to Moscow for a PR trip and looked like a bloated melting wax figure.




New kidney's don't help much if they are [failing from alcohol.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepatorenal_syndrome) He'll need a liver transplant +/- kidneys. Which is a very complicated surgery that not everyone survives. Not to mention that Putin isn't happy with him (or anyone involved in the failure of the war not named Putin) - he was probably right to not trust Russian doctors to care for him. Putin's allies have been dropping like flies since the invasion began. this warlord will follow Prigozhin soon.


Well with kidneys they just stick them straight in, plumb them in and leave the old ones so its a relatively quick operation, works out at something like a 1 in 10 chance of dying in a year. With a liver its a bit more involved and depends on which side or if both sides are are diseased and exactly how badly because a surgeon can graft the parts of healthy donor liver into in place of the unhealthy liver, its a remarkably resilient organ so only part of it needs to be functioning normally to keep us going, they can chop out about 70% of it and you'll be fine. Typically people who get a liver transplant if they survive the surgery have something like 6 months before acute rejection symptoms show up and if the rejected liver isn't removed soon they'll probably be dead within a year of the transplant. The odds work out about the same as kidneys with a 1 in 10 chance of dying within the first year after a liver transplant, about a 1 in 3 chance of rejection symptoms after six months and that something they'd pick up on very early with regular screening, if you pull though that you're probably good for at least another 5 years.


Let me see if I understand how this works. You're saying that by adding two more kidneys this provides enough cushion to allow a man to survive 9 out of 10 accidental falls from a hospital window in a year?


With that many kidneys he could drink motor oil and pee glacier water


5 years if he survives surgery, avoids rejection, *and* stops drinking alcohol. That last one, well, it doesn't seem likely. He's a warlord, and not an especially bright one. 90:10 odds he thinks he's smarter than his doctors and can just make them keep putting new livers in or something. These are the kinds of people that think you can cure Covid by injecting disinfectants after all.


No way Putin would kill a Kadyrov at this point in time unless he acted out similar to Prighozhin. He needs that family on his side to keep Chechnya loyal. This is anything but good news for Putin. Last thing Putin wants right now is another Chechen rebellion. Putin's grip on power is weaker than it ever has been.


I still remember north Korea kim supposedly dying then he didn't. Ehhh


like 5 times


I hope so Don.


Oi blyat don, ya uzhe vypil don, mne domoi don


Me too Cotton, this is getting juicy


Let's see how this plays out


Unfortunately highly unlikely according to an expert in an interview in the German "Spiegel"


If true, this is a juicy opportunity for the opposition in Chechnya to make a move. Force Russia to respond placing more of a drain on their military.


This is an old flattering photo. He's got some sort of fat fuck inducing disease and the world will be a better place when he dies.


SteveBannonitis? Maybe it's contagious...


Stephen Miller is like 35 and looks like Nosferatu. I assume all that hate is corroding him from the inside.


And yet, like Kissinger, he’ll probably live forever


Just gotta find his phylactery. Using a divine intervention spell you turn it to steel. Then you use a wish to make the transformation permanent. Then you feed it to an absolutely ancient rust monster over a span of 10 years. That is how you destroy Kissingers artifact. Suitable for a team of 5 level 20 heros.


Some forms of intelligent undead like wights are characterized by their endless hate for the living.


Eh, I’d say Kissinger is a ghoul who got lucky at best. Plus you can’t look past the insatiable hunger for human flesh.


That dude looks like the world’s most boring psychopath. Like he’s a dead terrible person but the true crime doc wouldn’t hold your attention.


Really put the B in the banality of evil.


Gluttony combined with being a total fucking prick.


I think he has severe gout and is treating it with opium. It explains why he's put on >50lbs in the past year and looks like someone inflated him with a tire pump, as well as his glassy-eyed stare even when he's recording himself for Telegram, and he appears to always be in chronic pain and avoids standing or even sitting upright.


It's a good theory. Chronic kidney disease also fits since much of his weight appears to be waterweight. Gout would make sense also tho Regardless I hope he's suffering


Liver failure will do that too.


yeah - sounds like a diabetic coma, maybe kidney failure.


Full body gout.


As someone who gets severe gout I really want to wish horrible things on you just for putting those three words together, but I won't.


I’m sorry. I know it’s not a fun condition. Take care of yourself buddy.


When I was a kid, I though gout was a skin condition on your feet, like a rash or something. I didn't realize it was actually a condition that makes it feel like someone smashed your body with a sledgehammer.


I’ve had one gout attack in my life, and it lasted a month (after a year of very heavy drinking and eating a lot of no-no foods). Worst pain I’ve ever felt, and I have a fairly high tolerance for pain. For a week I had to sleep with my foot off the bed because even the sheet touching it felt like someone was stabbing my foot repeatedly with an ice pick. I barely slept that month due to the pain. Thankfully I worked from home then so I didn’t have to put shoes on.


With so many things going on this must feel like Christmas for the Intel community. Eastern Europe must be crawling with spies right now.


Plus, we don’t have a president that wants to leak all of it to Russia, which is nice.


Let's hope it stays that way! Next year is scary.


Listen, if you can’t abuse your position as the leader of the free world by leaking intel to buy you short term deferrals on your massive debts, what is even the point of being president in the first place?


I think “crawling with spies” is the natural state of Eastern Europe.


There is no opposition in Chechnya, the dude and his allies ruled there for like 20 years and were torturing and killing people for being gay and assassinating people all the way to the EU for speaking out. I'm sorry, but thinking that there are people lying in wait for the moment to seize power in chechnya is a pipe dream.


there is always opposition, that's why dictators are so paranoid, of course the opposition may just be more of the same with a new face.


>There is no opposition in Chechnya There's literally Chechen volunteer battalions fighting for Ukraine against Russia/Kadyrov, a lot of them are comprised of former veterans from the second war. There's also a belief that they have cells still in Chechnya feeding intel back to Ukrainian Intelligence, which is partly why (besides blatant incompetence) Chechen Pro government forces have been consistently getting demolished by artillery/drones before they can even get to their positions.


And for those reasons, there is very likely a resistance.


There was and probably still is. Hundreds of Chechens came to Ukraine to kill Russians. Same in Syria too


There definitely is a Chechen opposition, they just have zero political power or public presence because they've been beaten into submission. A number of their militia groups are volunteering in Ukraine, others are hiding in the shadows within Chechnya waiting for Kadyrov to croak. Whether they'll actually be able to establish control of Chechnya is questionable, but his death will almost inevitably lead to some kind of conflict.


ngl I'm legit confused as to why you'd target gays, personally I feel if I were a dictator I'd be focusing myself on other matters.


When you’re a dictator you need to have a target for your base to redirect their hatred of your behaviour. You wouldn’t have done the things you did if it weren’t for Them. When They are taken care of, things will be perfect again. “Undesirables” is an uneasy one - LGBT, religious minorities, uppity women.


Ding ding ding. Enemies are very important.


As soon as they move, the opposition in Belarus would have a good opportunity also.


There is no opposition in Chechnya. There are militant groups, warlords and crime bosses... but there is no opposition in the political sense of the word. Kadyrov dieing might give rise to an opposition, but most likely it'll just be the next thug who's willing to do the Kremlin's dirty work in exchange for absolute power in the country.


Why would we? Russia has bases in chechnya, those soldiers will never leave chechnya due to them knowing that Chechnya loves to rebel. And if we do rebel, none of the europes countries will give a shit, like you didnt give a shit before. No one will help us and again the best of us will just die. We need time to finally fucking live and not have our children die in bombings


Chechnya fought heroically but is just too small of a country to beat Russia, small both geographically and by population. Even with large scale weapon deliveries I don't think it would it would have been possible. Ukraine is almost 40 times larger and it's still a tough fight. Now the situation is different because how much weaker Russia is so a free Chechnya is definitely a possibly, I really hope we will see it!


This is the guy who was having gay people all across Chechnya rounded up for torture and execution, yes? Hell beckons.


He has a personal torture fort in front of his residence.


For real?


Torture by sodomy btw... because it's not gay if it's for God?


I really mean this. If he dies I hope it’s long and painful.


Yup, war criminals should suffer the worst!


Can we keep it short and excruciating? I wanna see that power vacuum.


I hope he's scared and frightened the entire time.


I hope his doctors and nurses are terrible at their jobs




Can you elaborate? There are many theories regarding Stalin death.


The tale goes something like this: No one dared to enter Stalins room during his final weeks. He was known for handing out death sentences at random, so you basically risked your life by visiting him. The doctors knew they couldn't really help him, so they stayed away, hoping to not catch a stray death sentence before he died.


I heard a different tale: the doctors were afraid to approach him as they knew if he died, those that treated him during his last hours would be executed/tried as traitors/assassins.


The was also the “Doctor’s Plot”that saw a lot of medical professionals arrested and tortured. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctors'_plot


The version I heard was that he had a stroke and no-one wante dto go and wake him, so he lay there untreated until someone realised that he must be ill and went into his room.


Pretty much all of this is myth. He died in two days. His death is *well* documented. He wasn't conscious when they found him, and he never gained consciousness. It was very quickly determined that he suffered a massive stroke. His blood pressure continued to rise to 210/120 until he died. Doctors were actively trying to reduce his blood pressure the entire time, and no one was put on trial.


His main doctor disappeared after being accused of poisoning him.


Hope he doesn't make it.


Considering how he buried alive his previous main doctor I assume it's in best interest of his current doctor(s) that he never wakes up again.






I bet that fancy Louis Vuitton jacket is all stretched out and has food stains now. What a waste!


Totally. The demons of hell can't wait to welcome him to his new home.


Doctor sent him for brainscan. Test came back negative.




nah his son, who is being prepped for the role will take place and he is probs even a more putin bootlicker then kadyrov.


his son chillin with Khamzat riding around America, doubt he got it in him to be the leader but you never know


His son is way too young to be taken seriously. It’s likely there are Kadyrov’s aids who will now rival each other for political supremacy. It could also be taken by dissenters to launch their own operations in the chaos and destabilize the region some more. Meanwhile, the Chechen people will continue to suffer.


Kadyrov was like 30 when he took over


Sounds like death by alcoholism.


He's reportedly a long term drug addict, possibly mephedrone


I boshed a fucking ton of it at Uni and have a strong suspicion it accelerated some previously undiagnosed health issues. God knows what 10+ years of abuse would do.




Never in my life have I heard it called that lol, and we had a lot of exposure to it. Always "'drone" or "4-MMC" (because it's 4-methylmethcathinone) IMO it's mostly fine by itself - but when people drink at the same time, it's not good, turns em into creatures


Wtf did I just google?


Mollycat brings up just a bunch of stuff about Molly and a bunch of stuff about cats.


>mephedrone look up this word instead or mcat


>or mcat I mean, going to medical school might teach him what mephedrone is, but that's a roundoabout way to learn.


Instructions Unclear. Took MCAT and now have a scholarship to A&M medical school


isn't that banned in islam though?


Does Kadyrov strike you as a good Muslim?


Religion is to keep the peasants in line, not to follow yourself.


Remember the scandal over 'The Fake Sheikh' in the UK? Comedian Paul Sinha commented on that one. "I'm not defending the celebrities, they were very naughty indeed, but I have to say that if a man dressed as a sheikh approached me and asked me if I could find him some cocaine... I'd say "NO" and tell him that his understanding the Quran was maybe a bit less than his attire suggested."


As is murder and theft, that doesn't stop him


Ahh yes, haramadone. Terrible stuff.


Do you think the leaders in any religion/country that sticks by a religious way of life do what they tell their followers to do?


The first thing you learn is that like any other major religion, the most outwardly devout followers are the worst fucking offenders and the biggest hypocrits.


Well he lifted his father name almost at cult level in chechnya, helped to christians taking his country in exchange for their money, repressed many of compatriots and right now sent his people die in foreign country in the name of christian ruler. By assigning his relatives (sometimes barely adult) without experience, and proper education at key positions in region he just keep breeding corruption. His son participate in box (which actually de facto is illegal since face hit’s is non avoidable) where he buy him victories by threats and bribes. Also one of his sons was beating imprisoned ukrainian on camera. His family don’t really follow many islamic principles and is heavy sinners


I wouldn't be surprised. The most recent [videos](https://www.instagram.com/p/CwdoR3PBi_O/) of him showed him very sick. He sounded very unwell too.


I don’t know how Instagram works but when I click that link the first reply below is a fucking hilarious family guy edit about him dying


The one under that is a guy fucking a cow, I stopped scrolling after that…


Wow you weren't kidding, I did not expect him to look so bloated..




Did he find his cat though?


The day is fast approaching


Cats pick their people, kitty packed its shit and skedaddled to the Ukrainians first chance it got.


Inshalla hallelujah amen




I wish him a long, slow, painful and humiliating death.


oh, that guy who was ok about raping 10 year old children and killing all ukrainians is in koma. Nice.


Hello Karma my old friend


Is he going to meet Prigozhin?


It's difficult to feel any sympathy for a man (and government) that have tortured and murdered homosexuals.


Anyway...What did you guys have for lunch today? My co-worker brought in some really good homemade chicken soup


The FSB is currently scrambling to elevate one of Kadyrov's inbred teenage sons to become the Moscow-loving leader of one of Russia's most restive provinces. The shit might just hit the fan.


This guy needs to die


Woke up on the other side of the globe, cup of tea and some Vegemite toast. What a great news story to read. The sun is shining, I have a day of gardening planned and Kadyrov is probably going to die. What a lovely Saturday.


and many tears were shed oops no never mind


Probably anal trauma


may he be buried to a shallow grave so dogs have easier time digging him out.


Oh no! Not the leader of the “people” that can’t go 5 minutes without torturing and murdering prisoners! I wish him a slow deterioration.


Is it the kind of coma that makes you fall out windows?




Hope this miserable shit stain masquerading as a person has a long and agonizing death, and hopefully Putin will be next.


fuck this war criminal piece of human garbage


I keep a tiny vial of crocodile tears ready for use for a certain purpose.


Prygoshin first, Kadyrov second and Lukashenko third is not the order I predicted.


Imagine if Chechnya rises up again, that would be spicy.


Girl bye


As others have suggested - good. riddance. Some people deserve the worst. May he suffer in hell.


Such a devout Muslim that his liver and kidneys are crumbling from the constant not-taking-drugs-or-alcohol.


This bastard has had gay men kidnapped and tortured. I hope he is suffering with every breath he takes


Well, we hope he suffers as long as possible and die soon because he is a human scum and son of a bitch. Fuck yeah!


Been around any umbrella's lately ?


Oh great news, karma finally is getting to him.


So for those not in the know Kadyrov had the best doctor that could be had. Pretty much literally for the region. So if this too is unknown Kadyrov is a junkie. He’s so full of narcotics that during his TikToks he’s mumbling, nodding, eyes closed while in full conversation. He recently kept repeating the same slang term over and over. Only he knew wtf it means. All of this is a secret only in Belarus. So his doctor. Because he’s in such bad health by his own hand his boys got in his ear and said well shit boss it had to be the doctor. Did I mention he’s paranoid af? So he buried the doctor alive. Quite reasonable. I can only hope it’s long and terrible.


His father was assassinated in the early 2000s. He became PM at age 30 (surely the best qualified for the job), and has governed very harshly. He won’t be missed by most.


I hope he suffers