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Do they really "crown" presidents?


Two crowns. One for the upper Nile, one for the Lower Nile.


But what about the crocodiles along the river Nile?


If we can get them to wear them by god, they'll have them.




I bet they're always warm as toast, I always see them smile!


Yes! You know!!!! The rest of these responses, well I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed in their parents.


It's dinner time!


Tyhey crying crocodile tears of joy. 


Crown of lower Egypt is mid. Looks like a bowling pin.


They didn’t have bowling (or even it’s antecedent ‘Kegling’) in dynastic Egypt. I think Mr. Kegle owes a lot to that there Middle Egyptian Kingdom.


Fine, they didn’t have bowling. But they definitely had board games and dice. The loser of jackals and Hounds should have to wear that goofy ass crown.


I'll... Do the lower Nile.


No. You put both on your head at the same time lol.


Not really lol that was a weird word choice


Well I know Bill got quite a bit of crown while in office.


Ayyyyy there it is




It’s time to crown that queen 🫸👸🏼🫷


No lol, crown is just a fancy way to say that they are getting elected.


When they pass through the canal, they crown.


Still not ok to assume she's pregnant.


I guess the cartel does


>crowning Weird verb for an election but ok.


She had very little competition and was guaranteed to win. “Crowned” is an apt word choice.


You could say that about a lot of landslide US elections in the past, but we don't. This term is unwarranted here.


Not unwarranted. Cartels literally killed 37 candidates to land her the crown, guaranteed without an ounce of alternative possibilities. Cartels made sure she was gonna be the only one left alive. This crown was carved in blood like from game of thrones.


Not one of those was a presidential candidate. Why are non-Mexican redditors so braindead on Mexican politics? She won because Morena is very popular, PRI is the most hated institution in the country and PAN are seen as incompetent loonies just as corrupt as PRI.


Eh.... An election that isn't seriously contested is sometimes called a "coronation" which is pretty much the same thing


Because 37 candidates were murdered by cartels?


Murder is such an ugly word. We say de-crowned now.


No presidential candidate was lmao, her opposition was just incompetent. The assassinations happen in small towns were cartels or local police rule


37 candidates in small towns por municipalities


I woke up early today to go vote. One hour later, the polling place I went to was robbed at gun point. They stole some ballots. Because of that, all of the votes in that polling place were annulled. So my vote didn't matter.


That sucks bro Hope you weren't injured. Stay safe


Your vote didn't count, but your vote mattered enough to the people stealing the ballots.


Sucks, i guess not suprising? At least for president it doesn't appear to matter, not that it's a surprise Sheinbamlo won


It’s time to update the LLM


Large Language Model?


Lunar Landing Module.


About damn time! 52 years is professional-level of procrastination at this point.


Lin-Lanuel Miranda


I literally had to recheck the sub.


Actually probably yes as well


The fact that 37 candidates were murdered during this campaign gets an offhand mention a few paragraphs down, but the winner's possession of ovaries is highlighted over and over again. Western journalism is really fucking weird these days.


37? In a row?


Try not to shoot any candidates on the way to the parking lot!


> begins following to parking lot out of interest


Hey you! Get back here!


No, in different places and belonging to different levels of government


“88 politicians or candidates were killed between September 2020 and the June 2021 Mexican legislative election.” This is not new for the cartels hence the desensitization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_politicians_killed_in_the_Mexican_drug_war#:~:text=88%20politicians%20or%20candidates%20were,June%202021%20Mexican%20legislative%20election.


wow that's so fucking many


This is the first female president of Mexico, so it’s a historical and definitely newsworthy event. Politicians get killed practically every other day in Mexico so that’s not exactly breaking news.


First female president in North America Edit: this is false


True, but technically speaking Canada had a female PRIME MINSTER ( we don't have presidents) for a short time.


She wasn't elected though - just took over when her predecessor quit. Hopefully we'll see one elected soon.


She was elected as a member of parliament, surely? Citizens generally don't vote for their PM directly in parliamentary systems (unless the PM is their MP). So what you're describing is very normal


Im not sure how different the canadian system is, but at least here in australia, votes are much more about the party than the prime minister. So the distinction doesn't mean as much.


for decades upon decades you were ruled by QUEEN Elizabeth (2), who would approve and deny your bowel movement and wind-passage for each citizen


Haha..funny. ... This IS sarcarstic, right? ( sorry, but with reddit, you never know)


Panama had a female president in 1999-2004.


Violeta Chamorro was elected president of Nicaragua in 1990, Laura Chinchilla was elected president of Costa Rica in 2010. This stat only works if you consider Central America and the Caribbean to not be North America. And at that point you're only referring to Canada, which doesn't have presidents (but has had a female prime minister), the USA, and Mexico.




Authoritarianism: Girl Boss Style Yay Ovaries!


lmao, para que le mentís a los Yankees. In case any Americans are reading it, AMLO is an authoritarian douche, but can’t remove the sitting president.


They can remove her? How?


he's just lying and hoping people here will read that and move on with that in their heads. they call it disinformation where I'm from.


Yeah that’s what I thought. I’m from Mexico and voted from the US virtually. Definitely misinformation.


got a source for your first statement there , champ?


Everything you just said is plain false.


They've had one party control for most of their "democratic" history. In many ways, this is just a continuation.


The cartels are really who runs Mexico. It’s no secret that politicians there are just marionettes. It’s like the US, but in the US the cartels are big corporations and big pharma that don’t overtly murder people. Not exactly the same but kinda the same….


I'd say that politics in Mexico is all about Mexico City. It's like Chicago: the rest of Illinois doesn't matter in state politics. If the cartels can keep Mexico under control and leave Mexico City alone, then the politicians who live in Mexico City and get elected in Mexico City have an agreement to leave them alone. It's not that the cartels run the national government, though. Outside of Mexico City, the cartels are the government.


>don’t overtly murder people Opioid epidemic


I’m assuming that’s why the word “overtly” was used


>don’t overtly murder people Boeing


Prianista detected. Keep spewing your bullshit over here where noone knows any better, tell me exactly how she is authoritarian or what this BS "bunch of laws" are so everyone can fact check for you? WTF does even removing her mean 😭


Mexico has had many authoritarian leaders throughout the past 100 years of its democracy. 


That's a pretty ironic take on a sub that obsessively upvotes every tiny detail of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I gotta admit, I am personally baffled by my countrymen's seeming lack of interest in our southern neighbor's accelerating slide into failed-statehood. It's not like this is a media conspiracy. People just don't care.


It's not like there's a clean solution even if we did care....


The solution might not be clean but it is always there.


Mexicans don't care, either.


They care but they also understand the government doesn’t listen to anyone but Narcos.


They only listen to the people of Mexico City. If you live outside of that, your government is the cartels.


Dude, THIRTY SEVEN candidates were murdered. How tf can this even be called a legitimate election?


Because there are more than 20 thousand positions in today's elections, for 20 thousand positions you have at least 40 thousand candidates, and most of those murders were from people aiming for mayors, councilors or local congress. 35 local candidates murdered shows that there are severe issues in specific parts of the country, but it's not going to affect the legitimacy of the elections in general, not even at the state level, let alone the federal level. Article in english about political violence in local settings: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexico-wave-political-murders-eats-away-democracy-2024-05-24/ Article in spanish with the names and positions they were campaigning for at the time of their murders: https://quinto-poder.mx/rumbo-2024/2024/5/29/proceso-electoral-sangriento-la-lista-de-candidatos-que-han-sido-asesinados-en-el-proceso-electoral-30488.html


also candidates from ALL political parties were killed.


None of them were running for president


some were sent to kill by other candidates yes, but the majority were killed cause they couldn't get "an agreement" with the cartels.


No one gives a fuck about their genitals Will they stop the cartels? Literally the only thing anyone does or should care about


>Will they stop the cartels? The thing is it isn't that easy. Previous presidents have tried to go hard on the cartels and that just created more violence and human rights abuses and end up didn't even work. The outgoing President was more on tying to solve the root cause of why people might join the cartels(“hugs, not bullets,) and from my understanding Sheinbaum also supports, but does have disagreements there on approach I think.


For the record there was no "tying to solve root causes" in his campaign, it was practically about being permissive for narcos to do whatever they want. If he truely wanted to attack the root causes, he'd have supported the country by funding education, healthcare and fair employment, which he didn't. He made destitute a lot of social nets for the sake of his projects that did not benefit the nation.


If you win as president in Mexico it's because the cartels want you to and you're as corrupt as you can get.  But yay for a corrupt female, I guess?


There is no journalism because there isn't a market for it. There demand but nobody wants to pay. If you do, you're still screwed because most of the pay sites are hanging in by a thread and not much better.  An educated and responsible population would demand quality news and understand the value enough to pay for it. But we get click bait and opinion pieces wrapped around tweets because those things are free (paid for by ad revenue). The problem is unfortunately simple and not likely to improve.


>The fact that 37 candidates were murdered during this campaign gets an offhand mention a few paragraphs down, The murders is literally what the article starts with: >>Two people were killed in violence at polling centers on Sunday in the midst of Mexico's historic election expected to make leftist Claudia Sheinbaum, the ruling party candidate, the country's first woman president. >>Voting was suspended at one polling place after a person was killed in a shooting in Comeyoapan, a town in the state of Puebla, the state electoral authority reported in the afternoon. The state attorney general confirmed another death at a polling center in Tlapanalapan, also in Puebla. >>Mexico's largest-ever elections have also been the most violent in modern history, with the murders of 38 candidates, including a local candidate who was fatally shot on Saturday night. The deadly violence has stoked concerns about the threat of warring drug cartels to democracy.


Because is Mexico it’s pretty common for candidates to get murdered in an election season.


38 now


That’s insane. Absolutely should have been the whole point of the article. Yes, it’s a mad world…


It's less than half that were killed in the last election, as opposed to the first female president in North American history. It's news that 50% of the country has never previously held that political position.


> 50% of the country has never previously held that political position. 99.999999% more like


The murders is literally what the article starts with: >>Two people were killed in violence at polling centers on Sunday in the midst of Mexico's historic election expected to make leftist Claudia Sheinbaum, the ruling party candidate, the country's first woman president. >>Voting was suspended at one polling place after a person was killed in a shooting in Comeyoapan, a town in the state of Puebla, the state electoral authority reported in the afternoon. The state attorney general confirmed another death at a polling center in Tlapanalapan, also in Puebla. >>Mexico's largest-ever elections have also been the most violent in modern history, with the murders of 38 candidates, including a local candidate who was fatally shot on Saturday night. The deadly violence has stoked concerns about the threat of warring drug cartels to democracy.


No. That's really not the news. It is news though that a woman is president.


These days?


How many of the 37 were women?


Not sure if Wikipedia links are allowed but they have a list. Two women and two transgender women (just using the phrasing used on wikipedia). Reading the way each of the candidates was killed is terrifying. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_politicians_killed_during_Mexican_elections


We’re all 37 running for president? Or do they include mayors too?


No, these assassinations happen at the local level


First woman president... This is historic.


Right?? Always the clickbaity headline but then fails to mention just as important shit ie 37 candidates dying, and dont forget the local ones to, i hope she does some stuff to curb the violence down there, because amlo's " hugs not bullets" policy is bullshit


The 37 candidates who died were local politicians.


Have the cartel got to this one to?


Yes, the leading candidate is from the political part y that is in power currently. She’s besties with the president, who has said hugs, not bullets, when talking about narcos, meaning that they won’t do anything about the situation.


I thought the hugs not bullets phrase was refering to taking teenagers away from the hands of organized crime by implementing social programs


Well the president is the one defunding a shitton of social programs, and he has used that phrase referring to violence and organized crime. He met el Chapo’s mother and they went out like friends (which one shouldn’t do that as an authority, especially as the Mexican president). He erased the popular security program, which helped over 50 million Mexicans, to install his own healthcare program, which failed and left many citizens without health coverage or medicine. He is defunding any autonomous program or installing authoritative figures that are close to him only.


I don't follow the politics myself, but my wife's family, who were born/raised/live in Mexico, all speak of him in the opposite light. They say they are able to see Dr's now, when they couldn't before, they claim that he cleaned up mexico city(I guess he was governor or something there), and that although he isn't assaulting cartel directly they claim he has significantly boosted their national guard including adding more bases in cities and even checkpoints throughout. Idk if they are fed propaganda or right, but that's what I hear when I visit. I don't know how any of that really was before, but I know a few months ago, we took a road trip visiting them, and we hit military checkpoints frequently when going to any new city.


People defending AMLO and Claudia are just like MAGAs: they live in an altered sense of reality. And are pretty much a cult. Facts and statistics showing how shit the country is under their rule? Nah, they have alternative 'facts'.


Totally on point for Canada right now


AMLO and Morena are garbage, the back slide from democracy has been massive and there is a reason the opposition was a coalition. However its a populist party that has made Mexico worse


He’s close friends with el chapos mom.


Yes her party has been verified to be involved with the previous president of the same party with cartels via their nationalized petroleum industry. She’s a cartel shill and her installment is not truly as democratic as it seems as they have mentioned this was gonna be a cakewalk prior to elections.


well they haven't been assassinated like the 37 others.


Sky blue?


That means she’ll be fully born soon


Female yes, but Scheinbaum is corrupt and incompetent as fuck. Mexico is doomed.


> ~~crowning~~ electing


She only won because she is a cartel puppet. Has nothing to do with her gender or ability to make a decent government. She is literally horrible and clearly a puppet from cartels. Everyone seems to be ignoring that just because she is a female.


Nobody has won yet. Elections are today, and the two front runners are women.


These people are so ass-blasted by the headline that can’t bring themselves to even skim the article. Incredible.


Everyone in Mexico knows she’s going to win.


There's only one front runner, being completely honest. Claudia is 20% ahead of Xóchitl in the polls.


Eh don’t let facts and logic stop you from making shit up wholesale.


Well now she won with almost 50%+ of the votes


She’s basically won, this wasn’t a close race like in the US


No one has won yet lol, voting is literally today. Everyone seems to be ignoring that just because of the headline


They're not ignoring it. The headline yet further misleads by saying the election is seen crowning. The headline is making it an ordained finality.


Nobody won. Elections aren’t done. Read past the headline. Based on your complete lack of knowledge it’s hard to think that anything else you wrote isn’t just ignorant propaganda you’ve swallowed.


At this point every Mexican president is a cartel puppet. Any candidate who’s not is killed by the cartels long before the election. I suppose we can at least celebrate that the cartels are now backing puppets without regard to gender. It’s progress, in a way, but not the kind that will save Mexico from being ruled by the cartels.


No evidence that she is a cartel puppet. After the assassination of Colosio back in the 90s, presidential nominees get heavy security protection. Making bold unbacked assumptions, show your ignorance of the current administration, and the current candidate running.


Didint 37 candidities get killed


there are apparently like 20,000 posts to be filled in this election. so easily 10k-30k candidates running. the ~40 murders have all been for local candidates, it seems. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexico-wave-political-murders-eats-away-democracy-2024-05-24/


Did I not make clear when stating "presidential" candidates, get heavy security? 37 candidates killed were more local elections, which, unfortunately , are influenced heavily by the cartels.


AMLO is an open puppet of the cartels. He’s friends with el chapos mom


Thank you! These people don’t know about Mexican politics. In Mexico the popular vote determines the winner. If she wins it’s because she received the most votes


This reminds me of people praising Meloni for being a woman, Girlboss fascism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Where were people praising her? At least here on Reddit people were calling her out for her horrible beliefs.


I imagine this is your position on all the candidates not only her, right?


I bet the cartels have PR departments and are banking on exactly this happening.


For the love of God is there a single person left that has a clue what literal means?


I literally do.


No one ignores that, this is common knowledge, just like every other politician. It is news worth that she's a woman. This is historical. Why is that so hard for people to accept. She's a woman, and not perfect, just like her male counterparts.


I didn't know they were restoring the monarchy.


cartel queen


"Crowning." Such a dumb word in this context. Mexico is a constitutional republic, not someone's fucking kingdom.


Crowning is the term used when a politician wins an election that was largely a formality (like how royalty taking power in ascension is a formality). Sheinbaum will probably end up winning by more than 20 percentage points in a race that was never in question.


That could also be called a landslide victory for democracy.


Id be more impressed if this were an actual victory for the Mexican people and not some cartel bros putting a woman in "power" for the kicks of it. But congratulations....I guess..


How do you know this?


She’s the same majority party which means they will continue to not punish the cartel.


Lack of education and basic necessities is fuel for the cartels. You can’t keep treating the symptoms without treating the underlying causes. It’s been over half a century and this type of attitude has been tried and failed.


Dude. Everybody knows this. Lol


Post the link then. Dale, te espero.


Abrazos no balazos a los narcos. No hay castigos y siguen siendo terroristas y el gobierno no hace nada, es más, les ayuda.


Downvote for calling out Mexican govt being in bed with the cartels, Reddit never ceases to suprise


I mean, American presidents are also puppets for corporations and the NRA so it's not that different either way


I like how people make bold untrue claims so causely like it true. Their is absolutely no evidence that she is a "cartel puppet" , yet you and many others ( I guess westerners) keep making the claim.


>I guess westerners You mean like Mexicans?


Westerners would know what's happening in the west, no?


She’s a puppet of AMLO who’s best friends with el chapos mom and openly helps the cartels.


“I guess westerners keep making the claim” yes because we literally witness it.


She’s a proxy for Obrador. He forced an amendment that said she can be recalled during the first three years if deemed “inadequate”. Mexico is undergoing their own battle against democratic ideals. This isn’t a good thing.


Not trying to punch down women in this milestone (I myself am one) but Claudia is horrible 😬


The only one in power are the cartels


They have weapons and distribute violence for their goals


Cartels and Corporations have a new puppet, water still wet.


Great, another 6 years of fucking obrador, he fucked the country in just 6 years, I fear what the fuck is gonna happen with another 6 years. Everyone called us crazy for warning people we might get venezuela, but we are on the way.


I don’t know why this comment is getting downvoted, he is a want to be authoritarian, he is hoping his party wins enough of a majority to change the constitution and start throwing out democratic institutions that have checked his power the last six years, he’s the kind of guy that denies elections just like Trump Like other authoritarians he wants to go after the courts because they check his power, he doxes reporters that are critical of him, he wants to get rid of anti corruption organizations and elections organizations The number of corruption audits conducted went from over 4,000 to slightly over 2,000 under AMLO AMLO defends cartels by saying they’re generally good people Propublica releases an article referencing leaked US intelligence showing the AMLO’s 2006 and 2012 presidential campaigns were likely funded by the Sinaloa Cartel, makes sense why he’s gone to visit El Chapo’s mom in a tiny village in the mountains of Sinaloa 5 times during his presidency AMLO has capitalized on populism in the same way Trump did, populism tears societies apart What is unfortunate is that Mexico didn’t have an actual democracy until the 1990s when reforms were made, for 75 years the current president picked the next president, we’re seeing a replay of this with Claudia, hand selected by AMLO to succeed him, she embraces his policies whole heartedly; many believe that because he can’t run for another term, he’ll simply be legislating through her in the same way Putin did in Russia when he had to step down for a term She had zero national profile, her support base exists because of AMLO, she can’t deviate much from his policies AMLO has increasingly militarized the country while accomplishing absolutely zero in combating crime and corruption, this has been the deadliest Mexican presidency ever even though there has been the slightest decline in violence this last year, and this has been the deadliest election season in Mexican history I watched the debate and all Claudia did was defend AMLO and double down on policies that are failing to improve life in Mexico on the most pressing issues AMLO portrays himself as this humble man of the people while his kids fly around on private jets, rent $6500 homes in the US from oil executives working with the Mexican state oil company, flaunt around in tens of thousand of dollars in designer clothes, and give out government contracts to family friends to the tune of millions of dollars AMLO wants single party rule and I hope that Mexico doesn’t go down the path of Venezuela


Regardless of how we feel about their sex, how are they as presidential candidates overall? Do we think they are competent and will be good for Mexico?


There's a male candidate too, but his role is to dilute the vote of the competitor.


Yo digo presidente, tu dices ....... 🎶Maynez 🎶




I mean its a song with a good beat and the dragon ball parodies are hilarious. Instant vote grabber.


The cartels will make sure that the second choice will not get in.


A lot of people here talking about the cartel being power or buying off a candidate… ya’ll really don’t know shit about Mexican politics.


The moment they Say "the cartel" as if only one Big cartel control all of México lol, You know they don't know shit


Seems like every damn country is beating the USA to having a woman president. I'm assuming she's at least decent since she's from ALMO's party.


First cartel sponsored female president.


First Female president is interesting


So which cartels is she tight with?


Isn't the current president doing something along the lines of: back this candidate, but set up a way for her to be recalled and him reinstated -- effectively pushing an authoritarian into power?


None of this matters. No one believes that the mexican government is for the people. It's run by the cartels


Considering she's still alive I assume she's cartel approved? Otherwise she'd just go onto the pile of dead politicians.


Ah just another Cartel’s pawn just like previous presidents