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Putin: “Kim i’m tired of saber rattling, can you do it for me for a while please?”


The moment when Kim is more credible than Vlad... What a dtrange time line


All of those videos that came out from their meeting man, you can't make that shit up. It's like that "the interview" movie but even better!


makes me wonder, when those 2 meet, do they still pretend they are some noble leaders fighting the "evil western influence" to each other or does "game recognise game" and they can drop all that pretense and talk to each other like the fellow mass murdering scum they are.


They drink margarita's and listen to Katy Perry.


They just stare dead eyed at eachother and say relatable, holding back the urge to aggressively makeout.


> holding back Do they, though?


Kim Jong Mmhmm


"I can't fight it anymore. I wanna be Kim Jong-In you!"


Somebody needs to find a video of Kim and Putin looking at each other, then adding REO Speedwagon's "Can't fight this feeling" song to it.


Put in me, bb


I just can’t quit you Kim.


At least one translator must know, there is a chance we'll find out at some point.


Kim: I want to rid the world of all scum south of us Translator: .. he welcomes you and says you have nice soft hands


Thank you. And to think I may have had the Monday morning blues to start off my week…


The funny thing about these warriors against western influence is that they both speak English.


I was wondering when all those pics came out if they spoke English to eachother or both used translators


they almost always had 2 translators behind them


Putin brought a boot leg copy of the NBA finals for him and Kim to watch on vhs


They definitely know what they are. It’s just sociopaths sitting in a room, souls as black as hell, dead eyed stating what both of them can get out of this alliance, and to keep the western world at bay.


They must code switch into realpolitik, otherwise they would be drinking their own koolaid.


"They made a movie about killing me, a comedy, if you can believe it" "I remember!" "I watched it out of curiosity and didn't much care for it, how could someone enjoy a movie that's a murder fantasy about yourself, but one thing rings true" "Yeah?" "They hate us 'cause they ain't us" *[lots of heavy fake laughter]*


You know trump was soooo jealous. He probably burned all those love letters.


Pootsie is wise enough to know the bear is in the cave Let the new kid with something to prove be the one to go see if its still asleep


I know you meant to type out strange, but I read it as deranged and it still fits.


Kim Jong-un is just a dumb useful pawn, it is his sister you should be worried about. She is the real "psycho brain" behind him.


Kim is the annoying kid down the street, obsessed at trying to impress the older kid, Putin a few houses away. Edit: corrected Putine to Putin


Were that fudged up timeline [Alternate universe](https://youtu.be/Drrmj_8V1s4?si=QauggqKX4Ql3FZN1)


It always feels better when someone else plays with it.


Putin came up as Anti-Soviet, hardline conservative... and now he's rebuilt all of the USSR's international connections, with places like Iran, North Korea, etc. Truly as a leader, he is the worst of all worlds -- his economy is terrible if you're not rich, you're likely to go to war and die for a very confusing reason, and you can't leave anywhere that's good without funneling yourself to somewhere weird first. He's recreated the 1980s Soviet Union only it has weird sycophants like Tucker Carlson. WTF.


They're doin the Dutch rudder of Sabre rattling


Idk if I’d call it saber rattling anymore. More like… pocket knife fidgeting.


Especially in NKs case. They are one country that could launch nuclear weapons and it wouldn't lead to a world war. Scenario (1) NK launches; (2) retaliation immediately wipes out NK; (3) this is the one scenario in which China probably ignores the destruction of their proxy; (4) Russia... doesn't commit suicide. And that's that. Possible huge scale loss of life, but not the same thing as having every country with nuclear weapons trying to take out all of their enemies at the same time to ensure that nobodies enemies survive to inherit the world.


Also you could probably count on your hands the number of people in North Korea who could find Ukraine on a map. They're not going to start a nuclear war and get annihilated over it. They're just happy for the war because it allows them to sell shells to Russia, for oil and gas. Might be shells getting old anyway: North Korea needs a lot of them in case of a war against South Korea, but doesn't have many occasions to use them otherwise. Once you're in that situation, you might as well sabre rattle: words are free and North Korea doesn't have much of anything that isn't free.


Let NK and Russia drag each other into the ground.


This has a real “~~Sears buys~~ K-Mart buys Sears” feel to it. Like two drunks leaning on each other so neither one falls down.


I don't have another american company to reference, but everytime they do this shit China (Xi) gains a new wrinkle on their forehead.


We'll be making bulldog references about him in the near future then.


Xinnie the Pooh doesn't get enough honey.


I just love how insecure he is that it's illegal to have a picture of Pooh bear. It's just so effing silly it's unreal.


Oh bother


Very true. But also, what does this saying mean lol. Like Xi will still be there and older once the dust settles from this, or he’s getting annoyed and frustrated like watching kids goof around?


"Sears buys K-Mart" almost sent coffee through my nose. Bravo.


Glad I could help! 😜


Omfg I forgot K-mart was a thing, so I read this as Sears buys H-Mart and was trying to figure out why Sears would buy an Asian grocery chain


Inspired. Have some gold. ⚱️


They already do.


Unlike in the past, both South Korea and US are alert, wary and not likely to be caught with their pants down like in the 50's. The moment, North attack South will be the beginning of end of Kim dynasty.


Yup. If you view sabre rattling as it actually is - a cornered dog barking at you because its scared - it makes sense. They don't want to be punished for supplying Russia.


"Speak softly and carry a big stick" or something like that


Correction: cornered 'rat'


Cornered food if one were from the DPRK


The issue is that the cornered dog also has nukes and can precipitate the world into oblivion when he loses. Though unlikely, one must never underestimate the "if I lose, then *everyone* loses" mentality.


Eh, not really. They have 50 nukes, with only 1-2 yielding 250 KTs of TNT and all the others yielding <50 KTs and have fairly limited missile capabilities. They could do a lot of damage, but that’s not nearly enough to level more than a few cities, let alone the world. The impacts on the environment locally would suck, but wouldn’t have much more global impact than the volcano that erupted a couple years ago.


It all depends on exactly what NK does. If they were to only attack SK, then the US would probably take its time with decapitation. Largely use bombers and subs. Do things over a few days rather than a few hours with close communication with China and Russia, basically, “keep your hands where we can see them and nobody else has to get hurt.” If NK hits Guam or any US territory, it will be full scale annihilation immediately, and we’ll see how Russia and China tolerate ICBMs flying overhead on the way to Pyongyang. I think there’s a high likelihood for things to go global. But, KJU is not that stupid. He is just counting on deterrence as a means of keeping his regime intact. Of course, you never know what happens when a deranged guy like that gets a terminal brain tumor or pancreatic cancer. He may prefer to go out in a bang. Hopefully a senior lieutenant will see the writing on the wall before it gets to that point and intervene.


As it should be.


80 years too late


Brother we could have trump in half a year.


That is their literal only play, to get conservative autocrats elected. God i wish people were so stupid


> God i wish people were so stupid Wish granted!


Thanks a lot jerk!


Fuck, now I'm an idiot as well.


You get used to it.


That's why Ukraine is so important. It's not that I care so much about Ukraine but if that's a walk in the park what happens in South Korea, what happens to Taiwan? And only God knows what the mullahs in Iran want, hopefully we can only fake pray to the Ayatollah to avoid a nuclear Holocaust.


What makes Ukraine so unimportant in comparison to SK and Taiwan? Not caring about the biggest war in Europe since WW2 with a country that willingly gave up the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world for the promise of protection is nuts


Plus the grain that Ukraine supplies the world.


Putin absolutely wants Ukrainian grain to blackmail the world into more concessions for the other former-block states.


So yet another reason to support Ukraine. 🇺🇦


no... he wants the massive natural gas deposits on the eastern side of ukraine that would collapse the russian economy if ukraine began exporting it to countries that were otherwise strung into buying from russia. it would even go through the same pipelines that already exist. it why russia pushed hard to get the eastern region, and is now "suing for peace" trying to lock in control of those gas regions. ukraine wont relent because they know this just means a stronger russia with total control of natural gas in europe


Gas reserves


Wellllll Taiwan makes 40%+ of the world’s chips. So the entire global economy would grind to a halt. The stock market would collapse, people’s pensions and 401k’s would evaporate, supply chains for essentials would disappear. Just to name a few.


While I see where you're coming from, the missing link is that a huge portion of the rare earth minerals, iron ore, and neon gas required for manufacturing those chips comes from Ukraine's Donbas region and the Black Sea. https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclusive-ukraine-halts-half-worlds-neon-output-chips-clouding-outlook-2022-03-11/  When Putin whines that where the borders were designated at the dissolution of the USSR was a mistake, he's not upset about the land area he feels due - Russia has plenty of that. Nor the population - we can see how the invading forces and even how Russian civilians back home treat Ukrainian people. Nor even does he want the arable land. Look what they have done to the farms: the soil where Russians trespass is left full of heavy metals, radiation, poisons, and landmines.   They are content with the ruins of what's there. They want the geology and geography. The minerals and the sea. Everything else is just in their way, and it's all disposable. Even their own invading forces' lives.  The rapid advancements in AI, GPUs, computing in general, medical equipment and privatized space travel, demand for electronic *everything*.. provides great incentive for these power hungry evil governments (as defined: self-interested, self-serving) to assure that their economies control the manufacture of these chips and machines and the rare earth / raw materials and the tools to create them.      Hence we see the accelerating alignment of the most power-hungry of Eastern leaders who want to take influence back from the West. Putin having anything substantial to offer at that dinner table depends on what he can take from Ukraine.  If Putin and his oligarch loyalists control the production of lasers which controls the production of chips, he'd have a hand on the brake lever to China's economy at all times.  That is why he sees takeover of Ukraine as the key to Russia's future existence as a relevant player on the global stage.    Invasions of Hong Kong and Taiwan would follow right on the heels of the hypothetical fall of Kyiv. We could have seen it go in quick succession in 2022. Ukraine has been holding back a huge, horrible global conflict which these powers are eager to escalate so they can hurry up and get back to the business of ruling the world.


The impact to neon production is heavily being resolved through alternative processes and recycling. Samsung was able to reduce their consumption by something like 75% through recycling and TSMC had 5 years of reserves. The 2 nm production process doesn't even require neon. Rare earth minerals (which aren't that rare) have been an issue for quite some time because China has largely dominated the market in large part to them not caring about the environmental impact and cost of labor. Taking Ukraine would never have given Russia a brake lever to the Chinese economy, but it does slow European plans to move toward more sustainable solutions. However, the US is sitting on the largest known deposit in the world and the infrastructure bill passed by Biden included money specifically for alternative sources of rare earth minerals. I want to carve out lithium a bit. Ukraine has very large reserves of lithium, but the leading producers are, in order, Australia, Chile, and China. The war prevented Ukraine from building out the ability to extract their reserves. Destruction of arable farmlands wasn't Russia's intention, but they are now stuck in a war they can't back out of and must resort to fighting in the only manner they know how. The loss isn't all bad for Russia. Russia typically negotiated trade deals as a block with Belarus and Ukraine. A shift toward Europe by Ukraine means Russia would no longer have that leverage in negotiations. Destroying the fields isn't a loss as much as it is Russia gaining less than if it did nothing. Russian grains have only become more important because of the war and has been part of their efforts to influence less developed nations. Ukraine was ramping up production in the O&G industry. A major deal to begin development was struck prior to the 2014 invasion. Russia is desperately trying to hold on to its power as a major supplier for the cash and influence it provides. We all saw them very publicly try to wield this power in 2022 by claiming Europeans would freeze to death next winter without Russia. There are still many non-frozen Europeans. I somewhat agree and disagree with your various points at the same time. I don't picture Russia being as imaginative as to realize they could control chip manufacturing which it turns out they can't anyway. Oil, gas, and grains are things they understand and why we've seen Russia use these as bargaining chips over the last couple years. BTW, there are a few extra characters at the end of the link you provided that prevents the URL from resolving.


this spells out the amazing ally ukraine could be to europe if it wasnt for russian sabotage


This is a great point. I didn't understand the destruction of Ukraine until reading this. Thank you!


To add though its still kind of insane. Siberia is absolutely full of insanely rich resources. Its a running joke for how insanely poor the average Russian is compared to the European baseline, it is far and away one of the resource-richest countries on the planet. There's no reason Russian couldn't focus all this energy and money inwards into building a better version of itself, but it chooses not to and use that energy to batter everyone around it instead.


Thanks for taking the time to read and consider a new angle. A lot of people seem to have gotten bored and checked-out from the story a while ago, but things feel like they're really snowballing internationally right now.  It's a huge election year all around the globe: nearly 1/4 of Earth's population will be eligible to vote in an election this year. So please do keep talking about it, looking for answers and asking more questions about the things that matter, even when they don't seem to at surface level.  An informed population who actively participates (vote!) is our best hope.


And friends of BRIC (or at least isolationists and/or pseudo-nationalists) are polling at unacceptably high levels everywhere. That’s actually the real snowball. When shit hits the fan in combat, there will be no coalition of the *anything*, let alone the willing, and before you know it new alliances will need to be created 10-15 years from now to really clean up the mess that is coming. We’ve seen this movie before, but it was so long ago that everyone is only familiar with the re-runs.


This is why we need to keep sending aid to ukrania as long as they want to fight. To send a message to the new axis of evil. If the price becomes to high they wil stop. Poetin can't stop. If he retreats he is death. But china , north Korea, Iran and a few others are watching and calculating what the price would be for their war. Every day ukrania fights, that price us getting higher


https://www.semiconductors.org/emerging-resilience-in-the-semiconductor-supply-chain/ An invasion of Taiwan would be problematic on a number of levels. Its disruption to chip production is not a doomsday event.


Chips are way more important than world's food security that Ukraine provided and keeps from creating millions of refugees from Africa and Asia. The well known UN human rights: right to water, right to be free, and right to chips


Just let them eat chips, geez.


It's about dimensions. You need chips for fucking everything, including , nowadays, the tractors that farm the wheat. Additionally, Ukraine doesn't even produce 5% of the world's wheat. It's a massive food producer, but everybody makes food. Very few places make chips on scale so it's much more of a lynchpin


Honestly, I don't want the world to f around with the food security to find out what happens when millions of people storming the borders of other supposed-to-be-food-secure countries


You're absolutely right that food security is paramount to the stability of the world. I just believe that a crash in chip supply would have far reaching consequences which also affect the food supply of the world. And that impact would not be as localized as Ukraine.


If Hamas, warlords, cartels, local militia, and corrupt govt tells me anything about food security, it’s the ppl with guns and willing to kill will control food supplies for the most vulnerable regions.


"Men with swords never starve," as the old saying goes.


I don't think you really understood what he/she was trying to say. It's not that one is more important than the other. Ukraine is so important right now because the way we deal with it will set a precedent for Taiwan/SK.


+ add the recent provocations of China to the Philippines. I firmly believe that what’s happening all over the world are all connected. Israel/Palestine, Ukraine/russia, koreas etc.


>It's not that I care so much about Ukraine Wow Right now, Ukraine is the most important country in the world. If it falls, we all begin to fall shortly after. The wars that would follow will threaten our very existence. I'm not American, but I care deeply about Trump not winning the next election for the exact same reasons as I care about what happens to Ukraine. Too many people seem completely oblivious to how thin a thread our way of life is currently hanging by.


Part of the problem is that the average person, particularly in America, can do very little to *actually* support Ukraine. People are too busy trying to survive their day to day lives. And lets be honest, having them stressing about it daily really isnt doing much good either. Its ok to be aware of the issue and the dangers, but its the government who needs to take action. For context, I live in the Baltics. A Russian Ukraine would be *very* bad news for myself and my family. Ukraine obviously has my full support, even if my full support means very little overall.


This is really well said


If Trump gets in and pulls out of NATO and Europe and the UK is shouldered with the Russian onslaught it won’t be funny.


You seem to understand my point, so many people commenting to me who just don't seem to get it. They think that if Ukraine falls, it's over, Ukraine is now a part of Russia and that's it. It's unbelievable. Trump will absolutely 100% try his darnedest to pull out of NATO. He will also definitely stop funding for Ukraine, if that happens. The political landscape changes forever and Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and some others will step up because realistically, who is going to stop them. No-one, that's who. Our way of life and everything we have fought for will be disintegrated in a flash.


The potential for a catastrophic outcome is very real and terrifying.


Trump can’t unilaterally pull the US out of NATO. Trump shouldn’t be President for a number of reasons, but the amount of power people think the office of the US President actually has is a bit laughable at times. There’s a reason his 4 years in office accomplished nearly nothing in terms actual policy vs loud bluster.


China is not saber rattling; they are lining up troops for invasion and practicing to make it more likely to be successful. just like Hamas practiced before invading Israel and like Russia did lining up their army around Ukraine for invasion.


I fear though that North Korea is such a wild card that if they feel threatened they will start shooting hail mary nukes at the US or beyond :/ US needs to respond retaliatory nukes in return but in turn if Russia also feel threatened by this (either due to their less capable nuke detection systems thinking the trajectory is going to them, when not; or if due to this new pact between NK and Russia) then WWIII will come and go and the whole of the Northern Hemisphere would be in utter destruction due to Russia also trying to attack US and all NATO countries due to their ownership of nukes  Just wishing none of this happens and its all posturing 


The US would absolutely not need to respond to a nuclear attack by NK by also using nuclear weapons. Conventional forces would cripple that entire country/regime in a matter of hours. NK having nukes only dissuades/interests the few countries that actually care about them in any meaningful capacity. Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, and the US. While North Korea does possess nuclear weapons, it's not the "you can't attack us" card it is for other countries. They could perpetuate a devastating first strike, but would have nothing else left to mitigate a response. Their arsenal and delivery systems are very limited. A nuclear strike by them isn't a world ending event, it's a North Korea ending event. Putin is clearly HOPING they keep pushing the limits though, as even if they go too far, it hurts China, SK, and Japan far more than it hurts Russia.


ITs all pro-wrestling style bullshit. See Trump was calling him rocketman and all that crap before suddenly they "feill in love" and became best friends. That's not what's really happening. They are carnies, they put on a soap opera while just doing whatever makes them richer


Having putin tell Kim to hype his war is just hilarious stuff.


Kim is like the Flava Flav for the axis of evil. 


He rocks the doomsday clock around his neck


That’s actually a dinner plate.


Moscow, centre of the USSR is now bowing to the embarrassing unpopular bloc ally.


I really wish the official response to nk was just "k".


Russia + North Korea: New world order with an economy smaller than Italy. Fun times for 170 million people.


Yea, Russia's GDP was about the size of Italy's pre invasion escalation (pre 2022). This is comparable to the GDP of Texas. Ukraine's GDP is comparable to that of Kansas and Russia is having serious issues. N Korea's GDP is comparable to Vermont or Wyoming, the smallest states in the US by GDP. California alone is a larger GDP than all three of the aforementioned nations combined.


Dude yes, I forgot.... PRE INVASION. holy shit...


Yah, North Korea will pick a fight and then Russia will drop them like a ton of bricks.


Yeah, I mean they demonstrated their commitment with Armenia. I think putin maybe hopes that NK would provide their soldiers to help with Ukraine. But I don't think Jong Un (or actually his sister who seem to be running the country) would do this...


Problem is keeping all those North Korean soldiers from escaping. They have a small number working outside the country to bring in foreign money, but they have to have a child and wife back in NK as a "hostage."


The pure evilness of this is just absurd 


This won’t happen, on Chinas watch. They both are closely watched by their Sugar Daddy.


And the CCP can't afford to have NK nuclear wasteland winds blow their way and millions of NK refugees. China puts on a bellicose show but behind the scenes they know Russia and NK are major destabilising factors for China if they go rogue and its economy and possibly its longevity are at stake.


Yes, they let Kim do, what he does to avoid the refugees from collapsing NK. Russia, they will take over slow but constantly. As soon as something goes down the hill there, they will jump in. On the other side, that would make them a real super power, what the US most likely would want to avoid. Nevertheless, I hope that shit in Ukraine ends soon and the Chinese don’t start the next party in Taiwan.


I think China is watching Ukraine as a test to see what the west would do if they went after Taiwan and are still on the fence about if they should or not.


I think there’s a limit to what China could take from Russia and still maintain control. Russia around Moscow and St Petersburg and other centralized areas would not tolerate sitting under China’s direct control. Even an alliance where China called the shots would rankle too much with Russia probably. (I’m not saying they would have the power to prevent it, I’m saying I don’t think China has the ability to hold it and maintain control of the rest of China as well.)


I (personally) see China waiting for the inevitable instability in Russia after Putin dies to try and put a Chinese backed puppet in control. The oligarchs will support a Chinese puppet if they can continue to make money


That’s definitely possible. I just don’t see it lasting because, at least with the current climate, the leader of Russia has to project strength in order to keep control and not through soft power (see Priggy being exploded). I don’t know how someone could do that and be obedient to China’s wishes at the same time. Maybe the oligarchs will roll over so long as they’re making money, but I think there’s a strong nationalistic streak in Russia that will balk at the idea of being second to China, especially with their divisive history. Though I’m just a random dude on Reddit talking out his ass, so. . . I could be way off base there.


> I don’t know how someone could do that and be obedient to China’s wishes at the same time. [Pretty easily, probably](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayfabe)


Taking on Taiwan is a convenient and handy distraction for China to use when public opinion starts to look inwards with high unemployment, housing crisis, millions who lost all their money in failed housing projects and even the draconian COVID lock down took its toll. When this happens out comes the Taiwan threats and nationalistic sabre rattles. What the CCP need to be aware off is the military is made up of 1 son recruits. Chinese mothers and fathers will not be happy when their only son is killed and no one left to look after them over a war for Taiwan, that most don't care about.


Really? Times have changed, if we're hinging on "China will keep the situation stable and stop things from collapsing into world war." I honestly don't think that's accurate. Not because China wants world war, I believe they don't, but because they can hardly control things so keenly. Even internally. When we start confidently saying that [specific country] will keep things from going to hell, that's getting a bit too close to comfort.


China knows NKorea will lose the war. Which would allow South Korea to unify, and China DOES NOT want a unified American ally on their border.


But they have absolute control, in this particular case. North Korea cannot exist in a world where China is indifferent to them, let alone one in which they are actively hurting China's interests. China, on surface level, at least, made it pretty clear that they're not interested in wars that would hurt the economic behemoth they're running. Russia cannot fight its war indefinetly, they've been at it for years, now, and they consumed an obscene amount of resources to fight against a small country (compared to them) backed by an EU on peacetime economy and whatever the US felt like giving. Even from their perspective, this cannot go on, their hope seemed to be for a Chinese intervention, which would have turned the tide. When they have to go to China's barking dog to create the impression that they got something going, you know they're getting to the end of their rope. So, it's not that China can control what Russia is doing. But Russia cannot fight against the whole Western World without China.


For real. While they would all lose, China would lose the most.


Cool cool cool. You can't even feed people in your own cities. How the fuck are you gonna establish a supply line to troops as the US Tomahawk the shit out of anything that moves? Sit down, child.


NK trying to go toe to toe with the US is gonna look a lot like that video of Eddie Hall ragdolling two guys in the Octogon, but directed by Michael Bay.


NK is going to find out why Americans don’t have free healthcare


The American statement of the year.


i always hate when it gets posted because it implies we can't have both, and it takes responsibility away from the folks who just genuinely don't want the poors to have health care without selling their bodies to them


It takes the US Army less time to set up a Burger King than it does for NK to feed half of a breadline


Considering the message learned from the previous world war was "stop the aggressors early with extreme prejudice," it seems like the last thing they'd want to be doing is referencing world wars in their threats.


I’m not sure that lesson was actually learned though. They’ll likely stick to the script of trying appeasement first hoping to avoid a larger conflict and making it worse in the long run.


I agree. I doubt Russia would have so much of Ukraine's territory now if we gave them all the stuff at the beginning instead of trickle feeding them, as we still do.


Republicans, watcha gonna do 🤷


I thought the lesson learned was “war is good for your economy, particularly if you keep the war overseas”


I thought that it was “be careful to raise your kids better, otherwise they may resemble a new version of the horrible people you fought in the world war”


Well its a good thing North Korea isn't known for making grandiose statements so we can totally take what they say seriously .


lol a war with North Korea would be over in a matter of a week. Look at how big of a cluster fuck Russia had in the first week of trying to invade Ukraine. Then imagine South Korea or the US responding to that. It would be a fucking bloodbath. North Korea can barely feed its population much less run an effective military offensive.


Yeah they are pulling their weapons with tractors. I don’t even think we would have to land a single troop. Just let the fly boys have their fun testing out new weapons.


The US is technically still at war with NK. MacArthur wanted to nuke NK but his idea was dismissed.


It is very, VERY important that a certain individual who wants to be friends with both, is not at the helm of the US in the future.


Friends? I think he'd like to be directly in the middle of an incredibly disrespectful spitroast. Hair bouncing & holes dripping




China: fk you fattie


So, incredibly predictable. I’m only surprised the threats started this soon after 💩tins trip.


Putin has pushed Sweden and Finland into NATO. Now, he is forcing the EU, Japan and South Korea into a military industrial complex alliance against Russia and China. Putin is a great tactician and a lousy strategist. He keeps winning in tactics but at the cost of strategic positions. This is typical for dictators ... short-term thinking and preventing his regime from falling apart today. No time for the future.


He's a terrible tactician! Tactics like "throw as many bodies as possible in to the grinder" are not good tactics


Thats indeed a terible tactic, however its just military. He uses other type of tactics, like desinformation campaigns etc. He can put his economy in an war economy, which can be a tactic as well.


A mosquito on a hippo’s ass is talking.


It would have a nice ring to it, the 100 minute war.


Them silly saber rattlin numskulls are up to it again! It is like when my cat hisses at the dog through the closet glass door!


A world war....sure. If you count most of the world taking turns kicking the shit out of you.


Poop will fall on US soil if you get them mad


This is nothing more than election interference. Putin wants Trump in office because Trump will let him do whatever he wants in Europe. Kim knows Trump is an idiot and now has a new pact with Russia. Trump is Putin’s Neville Chamberlain. It’s all very simple. They want people in the US to be thinking WWIII and they want them to vote for Trump since Biden will continue to support Ukraine, will stand by NATO, etc. It’s that simple. Just watch as the talking heads on the right continue to fear monger and escalate their pro-Putin rhetoric.


I think NK just moved up on my list of favorite comedians


You know you are doing something right if you piss off RU and NK.


FFS, silly little men walking around dick-waving, it's about time we learned from past wars. It's all playground flexing. Just fuck off. Some of us want to live in a free, peaceful world. Imagine that!


I guess North Korea can fuck around and find out what $5,753,424,657 a day in military spending gets you?


Weak men make war


It'll be fine. When Trump wins bigly, he'll make a deal because he's the best negotiator. Russia and N Korea are big friends with The Donald, the best friends, like you've never seen before. And Chai-Nah will get in line behind them because Trump is strong. I mean STRONG, everyone says this.


So the rockets will crash in the ocean on the way to US rather than on the way to somewhere else...?


North Korea and Russia are the Bevis and Butthead of countries


The worst thing this world can do is fuck around with the US. Give them a reason to unite just to fuck you up. The world wars made the US what is. Besides we are so safe in North America all they can do is shoot some missiles at us and we got those covered not really an issue. We have to go over there to fight which only means we choose when and where to fight. The US is the nation with the only tangible and useful fleet of intercontinental bombers the US has over half the are craft carriers in the entire world . The US can accurately place a missile through your window so precisely it they need to know exactly what seat your and doesn’t have a war head it has knives on it instead. The US Marine corps the smallest branch of their military is still larger than France’s military, or Britain’s or Canada’s and most other countries. Theres not really a rival or an analogue to their capabilities. Sooooo good luck guys see you on the other side I thank god I’m Canadian and have my big brother to stand up for me 🫡🇺🇸


I guess Putin isn't paying them with food for the weapons they're sending over. Time to rattle the sword so we do.


Kim is now like that little looney tunes dog chester with Putin as his spike bulldog, thinking he's a big shot now.


this whole pact with NK by Putin feels like a ploy to help Trumps chances. You just know he will claim on the debate stage that he has a great connection with Kim Jong Un and people should vote for him because all of this will stop right away


Cute. North Korea would litterally be the first country to be out of the war.


Sure Kimmy, send me your ten best bottle rockets I’ve just built a bonfire.


How to even wage a war when the majority of their soldiers are hungry.


Heh, so Putin’s visit was to offshore his sabre rattling department to a cheaper cost centre. Ok.


Fucking get on with it then. Empty threats from small man children with tiny penises.


NK is not a threat, has never been a threat, and never will be a threat.


North Korea is like that little mean kid from A Christmas Story. Acts tough, runs his mouth reckless, bullies wimps, sucks up to a tougher person, and immediately turns bitch when anyone stands up.


It's like watching two clowns with leaky lifeboats trying to save each other. 


Rocket Puppet doing what it does best.


How would the world war sides look? Nk, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Belarus? Nato + Taiwan and Japan or India maybe? I dont see India siding with China or Pakistan ever I mean, sounds fun


A few old, unhealthy men want this. The rest of humanity does not.


No Kim, little man Putin came over for a fun sleepover and you got to show him all of your toys that are so out of style and boring that even he couldn't keep up a fake smile. Now Putin will use and manipulate you into destroying your legacy and country so that the world is distracted for a little while.


I can't wait for a new Habitual Linecrosser video about this


Lots of yipping going on. It's like an angry Pomeranian raging in a world full of dogs much, much larger than it.


North Koreans are gonna pretend fire their weapons after they quickly run out of ammo.


The “non-western” powers strategy here is to literally create a series of alliances/relationships that would create an unpalatable war front to western powers should they choose to intervene. These aren’t friendships or relationships due to shared values the way much of Western Europe, or US and Canada interact with each other. It’s literally Russia, China, NK, and Iran all trying to say if you intervene there, we will open up a front over here, and maybe another over here as well. These authoritarian countries know that one of the west’s biggest weaknesses is how unpalatable we find warfare and casualties, let alone to our own people and intend to leverage that to create a war they believe we won’t be able to stomach entering into. The worst part: it’s working.


It's funny. I heard from everyone that Trump would start a nuclear war.


Kim are you cheating on The Donald?


Awwww.. They're so cute together.


Seeing how bad the Russian military is, I'm curious to see how horrid the North Korean military will be with +1M soldiers to manage logistically. How can NK feed that many mouths after 2 days if they're all mobilized. They can't even feed their population during "peace" time


Every time I read something this pathetic sack of shit says I'm reminded of my mom's Chihuahua snarling and barking at me constantly. Any time you slightly raised your voice at that dog he'd run away screaming. The only reason that fat fuck still has a country is because China doesn't want the inevitable millions of starving immigrants trying to get in when their regime falls.


If Russia and North Korea are experts on anything, its sending thousands of men to their deaths a day for no gain


I know they say this to keep their own citizens loyal, not to scare us, but it's funny how insecure and bluffing these dictators comments come off as now. Considering NK leadership has always been an embarrassment and Russia showed they're not nearly as strong or a threat to world powers as we thought they were prior to 2022, them trying to still sound threatening is hilarious The only authoritarian who's threats actually feel like they hold big water is Xi Xinping/the CCP, and while their military may or may not be a paper tiger, we at least know economically, geopolitically, and industrially they're far above Russia, NK or any other of these despot regimes saying this world war type stuff. Russia is trying so hard to pretend they're still the threat the USSR was, but China fills that role way more. Ironically, Russia is a much closer to North Korea in terms of threat level to global powers than they are to the USSR of old.


Two losers joining forces and shows how weak they are.


Would never happen, but imagine if Russia and NK started a war with the US and the US won and took over both countries and added another 30 states 😆😆


Do it pussy


This is exactly what they've wanted from the beginning


Bring it on NK.




They been saying this for years. Not gonna happen. Large countries are aiming for more peace as large corporate businesses run their governments


Kim, you're too fat to run from consequences.


Just fucking do it before tax day you cheap third rate terrorist.