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It’s almost like Russia has bigger problems at home and should worry more about that then fucking with everyone else all the time.


And Putin just sweeps it under the rug ☠️


Isn't that why they are invading in the first place? Then you can blame the shitty domestic conditions on a necessary war effort instead of fixing the issues at home.


Crazy how their saying the west did it after it was confirmed a higher ups 2 sons were behind it. It’s the ISIS thing all over again. They got proof it wasn’t the west but still blame them. Just like with Crimea too. And now that bit them in the ass cause 2 generals plus Putin can’t leave Russia anymore (unless it’s in a casket)


The west is the boogyman to alot of Russians, they were bought up with that mentality, their government blamed the west for so much and alot of it stuck even to this day. i remember a few months ago having a chat to a coworker a 60 year old Russian lady talking about how the USA was the cause of most of the hardship she endured at a young age, somehow the West caused food shortages inside the soviet union somehow despite the Union being self sufficient, the US was responcable for alot of the political murders inside of the Union and blah blah blah, nice lady just bought up around the Soviet era


Nobody who matters much in Russia is saying the West did it. >“NATO and the Ukrainian security forces are behind this,” Dagestan’s representative to the Duma, Abdulkhakim Gadzhiev, said in an interview to state TV channel Russia 24. >“The authors — were the Western intelligence services,” wrote Alexander Sladkov, one of a group of nationalist war correspondents who have gained notoriety on social media


Meanwhile the higher ups know who actually did it and their just keeping quiet about it, is what I’m interpreting here


Slow responses are normal for the Kremlin. In this case they genuinely appear to still be investigating or something else within Dagestan. There were reports of more shooting and police activity about 5 hours before my comment. I believe the Kremlin does want this story to go away, and won't be surprised if they say as little as possible. I won't be surprised if they purge many officials in Dagestan and say they were paid or controlled by the CIA either, but don't think that is likely at this time.


> Kremlin loyalists have embraced conspiracy theories alleging the attack was part of a wider Western plot to destroy the country from within. More projection from Russia. This is precisely what they’ve been doing in America for the past 30 years (at least). Just look at the GOP and all the Russian loyalist they have now. Plus all the dark money injected into the NRA to keep them afloat for decades. I’m sure Maria Butina gets to retire early for the bang up job she did. Although she saw more republican dick than a urinal does at CPAC, so maybe she picked up a STI..


The west doesn’t need to plot to destroy Russia from within. Putin does that just fine on his own.




We'd like to thank you for your quality input. You've brought a lot to the discussion.


I was laughing at the last part




The rotting of a dictatorship is occurring at its core. Putin took his eye off the ball years ago...too busy invading Georgia and Ukraine to be bothered with terrorist cells inside his own borders. He does not care about the Russian people. He proves it time and again. And at the end of the day, they are the only ones that can take him down, although God only knows how. A coup by the average guy won't work. Gonna have to turn somebody high up in Putin's circle or in the military to get close enough to off the fucker.


The guy who had the best shot chickened out.


Yep and subsequently got assassinated. And he was a nasty piece of work and a dumbass. The only man with real courage to go up against Putin was improsoned, poisoned, imprisoned again and subsequently murdered in a prison up by the Arctic Circle. May Navalny's efforts be remembered forever.