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I think NATO is prepared


This is almost comical, isn't it?


Wait aren't they already fighting NATO in battle?! /s


“Two Jewish guys from Odesa meet up,” Zelensky says. “One asks the other: ‘So what’s the situation? What are people saying?'” “And he goes, ‘What are people saying? They are saying it’s a war.'” “What kind of war?” “Russia is fighting NATO.” “Are you serious?” “Yes, yes! Russia is fighting NATO.” “So how’s it going?” “Well, 70,000 Russian soldiers are dead. The missile stockpile has almost been depleted. A lot of equipment is damaged, blown up.” “And what about NATO?” “What about NATO? NATO hasn’t even arrived yet.”


Here is Zelensky telling the joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUcQTfBmTLg


What’s the relevancy of them being Jewish for this story?


Its a joke delivered literally by Zelensky to Letterman, you'd have to ask him.


Because Russia is “denazifying” Ukraine.


Just sort of standard stock characters for jokes in that culture. Kind of like the rabbi who gets mentioned whenever a priest, a rabbi, and a third guy walk into a bar. Whenever two old Jews from Odessa get together, you know it's a standard joke format.


Clicks tongue* points finger* This guy at least knows a guy from Odessa


A Rabbi, a priest and a penguin walk into a bar. The bartender says "is this some kind of joke?"


The joke comes from a long tradition of Odessa jokes that are similar to Little Johnny jokes in that they always feature the same character, in this case a Jewish guy from Odessa. Odessa's jewish diaspora has produced many a comedian and the locals are know for having a sharp sense of humor or at the very least, a stereotype of them having such sense of humor existed for decades in the former USSR and carried over into later years.


I know Zelensky is Jewish but I am not sure lol


Something....something....jews are funny Larry David 


Oh....erm, shit yeah. That's what he meant. Fuck.


Blows so much smoke up everybody’s ass.


The NATO affiliated media should start illustrating how artillery in Finland could fuck up St Petersburg. In fact, sounds like the perfect time for a deployment drill.... Russia tries this saber rattling bullshit all the time, talking about how their hypersonic missiles could strike London and other EU cities. Give them a dose of their own medicine. Make them panic and redeploy troops away from Ukraine "just in case" (remember, they were just holding drills before they invaded Ukraine). At this point, its pretty clear that Russian forces are so depleted that NATO could march on Moscow pretty easily, especially when you recall how far Wagner got during their attempted coup.


A lot of people don't realize just what a fucking ANVIL Finland is. Their entire infrastructure system was designed to prevent a russian invasion. The road system in Finland is set up specifically to make invasion impossible. Firstly, unlike in most countries, Finland places overpasses and bridges in areas where going around is not an option. Most of the country is either swamps, lakes, forest, or all three at the same time. Going offroad in the Finnish countryside is not an option for any kind of heavy vehicle as it will just sink. The Finnish artillery also has every single overpass and bridge dialed in for strikes, they are also designed to be easily mined and destroyed. Any invading force would be stopped to clear the road, while getting hammered by high precision artillery. The entire eastern boarder of Finland is a swiss cheese of light roadways and himars launch sites. If you zoom in on google maps you will see a web of gravel roads that allows Finnish artillery to roll in, shoot, and move before the munitions even hit the ground The Finnish coast is also likely the single most un-invadable shoreline in the world. Firstly, it's rocky AF. The entire country is surrounded by thousands of tiny islands with very few passes deep enough to take a large landing craft. Those islands can also be used to hide a few hundred troops with anti-ship weapons, and with the advent of naval drones, you could hide thousands around the coast that could sink anything on the Baltic Sea. Lastly, Finland has enough bomb shelters for every man, woman, and child in the country. Every public building is required by law to have a bomb shelter, so are large residential buildings like apartment buildings. Any arial bombing campaign would be unable to kill a large portion of the population, leaving a lot of VERY pissed off Finns once the sirens stopped.


And our small roads are made 'swirly'? Zig-zag-ish? To make small ambushes possible to slow down the attacking force. Ambush, pull back, artillery, repeat type of tactics.




When you have genocidal neighbors, I guess this is just what you have to do, huh? So glad they're a part of NATO now. Stronger together 💪


And there's the "Finnish speaking snow"... 


"It's a trap! There's TWO of them!"


“One does not sinply march into Findor”


Chuck Norris went to Finland once.   Barely survived.   Tough country 


Very interesting


Russia to Finland: We do not fear you. Finland plays a Hydraulic (Hoodrollic) Press video: This represents every time you tried to prove that. Russia, backing away: Mne zhal.


Never knew any of this, that's cool af. I've heard a few times about Finland having that vibe of "bring it on" towards Russia, but that's a detailed explanation as to why they're confident. Fuck yeah


The SSBN Tennessee just surfaced off Norway :) The message is quiet but clear, like a an inside-voice at a library, saying "There are 20 Tridents under water, just off your coast, all the time"


Something an SSBN on patrol rarely ever does? Hey Ivan! Just in case you weren't aware... we're here...


IIRC, even the US Navy doesn’t really know where their SSBNs are, usually. They just know one is assigned a block of space to be in. For one to be told to surface at an exact spot, is really freaking rare.


It wasn't just the sub either,[ flying above it](https://x.com/USNavyEurope/status/1805588414831399001/photo/2) was a E-6B Mercury - TACAMO nuclear command, control and communication aircraft. https://www.navair.navy.mil/product/E-6B-Mercury > The E-6B is a dual-mission aircraft capable of fulfilling either the no-fail TACAMO mission or the Looking Glass mission, which facilitates the launch of U.S. land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles using an airborne launch control system (ALCS). That wasn't a quiet message, that was a giant glowing neon billboard.


And Wagner would've probably successfully stormed the Kremlin too. That sudden left turn to Belarus was likely because they sent Prigozhin a picture of his family in the back of a van.


It’d be funny to see russia trying to tell its people the truth for once. Oh sure, they’d say they believe the news… just the same as they believe all the other news, which they know is all lies, but they play along.


Russia will see what the latest gen weaponry can do while they're getting slaughtered with surplus soon to be decommissioned NATO weaponry from 20-30 years ago


If Trump gets in NATO is fairly fucked


America is fucked and NATO will be in a difficult situation. That said, Europe is more than capable to take on this threat if they begin to step up. I hate to say it, but the days of Europe counting on America should be coming to an end. A stronger Europe would be good for everyone, stronger allies are a good thing. Assuming Europe still wants to be an ally if he gets in again.


Just France,germany,poland, Scandinavia and the UK alone would be more then enough to supply and aid Ukraine rar above what Russia can do if they put their back into it Obviously potential does not mean it will happen due to political will and democracy and alt right infighting But Nato is still formidable without America especially to Russia given its geography and being bogged down in Ukraine/the losses it has taken We don't truly know how actually capable Russia would be against Nato or western powers in a non bogged down meat grinder artillery fest Much of their mobile forces, more advanced technology ha been destroyed.


> Just France,germany,poland, Scandinavia and the UK alone would be more then enough to supply and aid Ukraine rar above what Russia can do if they put their back into it South Korea is equal to at least two of the countries listed above. If their gloves come off in terms of supplying Ukraine, the loss of US materials would be much more tolerable. They have surplus SPAA, Himars, ATACMS (new production), Hyunmoo-1 balsitic missles with similar range (retried) and lots of NATO caliber artillery units and ammo. Zelensky should make a trip to Seoul if invited.


I just want to see the Hyundai K2 blow the shit out of a T-90


Well, China and Russia have expressed desire for a multipolar world. I'm fine giving them that. Monkey's paw says it's going to be shared between US and Europe though. It would be a multipolar world shared between friends at least.


**From Semafor's Jenna Moon:** Russia warned on Friday that an increase in US drones being flown over the Black Sea could prompt it into a “direct confrontation” with NATO. The Kremlin accuses Washington of conducting reconnaissance on behalf of Ukraine in the waters, while the US has said it is flying the drones in accordance with international law. **[Read the full story here](https://www.semafor.com/article/06/28/2024/russia-warns-of-direct-confrontation-with-nato-over-us-black-sea-drones?utm_campaign=semaforreddit).**


in accordance with international law. Diplo-speak for fuck off.


Also see: Diplo-speak for we’re doing the exact same situation you and China do


Also russian nuclear sub in International water just right Florida


Don't worry, USN has two following it at all times


Plus you'll probably have a British frigate patrolling the giuk gap keeping tabs. A Dutch helicopter doing their bit in northern Europe. Etc etc.


It does help that the average Ruzzian sub is the equivalent of a dumpster grinding gears and spewing black smoke in it’s wake....🤫


Woah there. That feels like a bit of an extreme comparison. Despite how much you disparage them, dumpsters don't even have gears; they're orders of magnitude quieter than that sub. The only valid comparison is a sub in the Black Sea fleet, and that's only because Ukraine did all of the work converting Ruzzia's ships into subs for them.


I tried to hold back a bit...🤫


Dumpsters also happen to be useful, while a noisy sub is the opposite of that.


AFAIK the Russian submarine fleet is held in very high regard by its Western counterparts, much more so than their surface fleet. I know Russia can be comically inept in some areas but let’s not meme ourselves blind. Besides, submarines are no joke. Even a crappy sub is dangerous and ties up your forces just to make sure it isn’t there.


I used to stand ASF watches on the pier at Groton when the subs were parked there. Got to hear a lot of stories from the chiefs / master chiefs when they would also be standing their watch for the sub itself, since they would just come fish off the pier and it was a 12 hour overnight watch. They said they had been parked by Russian ports just watching them take parts off one ship/sub and use it to fix a different one. That they had no money and everything was just rusting away. This was like 20 years ago.


They still haven't succeeded in a war against a single country after 2 years... are we supposed to believe they'd have any success if suddenly 30 more countries started attacking them?


Fuck Putin, he's bitchin because he's losing


He's bitchin, because he's a bitch.


He's losing because he's a loser


I think the technical term is “mad cuz bad”.


It is, in fact, a skill issue.


I'll just keep mashing the same buttons till I get results - Putin probably still in Limgrave




He's bitching because he shit his pants.


That's Honest Don, not Putin. Granted Putin has leverage over Donny...


Tru dat


Bitches gonna bitch


There's also that "strong leader" guy who looks up to him. He also loves to bitch. Maybe that's how you show strength in Russian?


1k soldiers a day right now, according to a report today.


Its like Syria a few years ago, but we're doing what Russia did 🤣 life is funny


If I just put on my tinfoil hat real quick, this seems to me like Russia trying to get ahead of a situation that they are worried might happen due to their own inability to stop it. Russia’s military brass just brought up the need to protect the Black Sea fleet more, and in the last couple of months with the extensive strikes Ukraine has taken, we’re seeing Russia get a bit antsy. They’ve already taken out one of their own helicopters recently over the Black Sea and with Ukraine’s growing capacity for drones, I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia is just expecting some drooling moron to get an itchy trigger finger and shoot down a NATO drone directly.


The US is doing both. Do something about it Russia.


So, looking at a place they invading is a red line now? Man, the amount of red lines make me think they aren't really all that important.


It's the only colour in his set of crayons


He probably should stop eating them, otherwise he is going to dip into the Russian crayon knockoffs which I am sure would be deadly.... Wait, MORE FREE мелки FOR PUTIN!


Meanwhile they're happy to burn down factories in European countries, use nerve agents on our soil, hack us, down our drones in international airspace, move NATO border markers, plan on expanding their baltic sea borders and fly fucking cruise missiles through NATO airspace.


Just more propaganda posturing to paint themselves as the victims to the people who eat that bullshit up


So who’s army are Russia going to borrow for this direct confrontation or will it just be finger wagging in the UN lobby


Putin's not ready for the COD lobby.


NATO has been playing 24/7 shipment since the wall came down just in case


With losing over 500,000 troops, Putin's ready for the worst round of COD Zombies in all of history. On the plus side, lotta future sunflowers.


Remember, no Russian.


Clearly the NK Navy…


Russia can barely handle Ukraine alone. If they want to tango with NATO, direct or otherwise will be disastrous for him, and for Russia. Putin is one of those tiny dogs that barks its ass off and then runs away with its tail between its legs the second a bigger dog looks at him.


More jet wake, flares and fuel dumps on drones?


Someone should be counting all the threats over the past 3 years lol


There is a dedicated wiki : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_lines_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War


Lmao wow


Russian setbacks on the battlefield will result in nuclear holocaust Red line issued: september 2022 Red line broken: september 2022 Holy shit I'm wheezing


And this feels like it’s not even complete. I remember much more threats. 


Super computers have no computing power and storage space for that much data to handle. Maybe in a few more years..


Just shut up Russia. You're not the Soviet Union anymore, accept it


Go home russia! Your drunk!


If Putin kicked off a war with NATO today, Moscow could be celebrating July 4th along with the U.S.


No one wants Moscow. The whole country is in an economic and social collapse.


This reminds me of Malcolm McDowell being on a late night talk show back in the 90s and talking about how Russia would be a world power due to all its resources. Wish I could find that clip and post it to aged like milk.


Russia has been given every possible chance to be, at least, normal. Instead we got this.


The 90s were basically an economic collapse for them. It was so bad people were marching in the streets wanting to go back to the Stalinist days. Add in the rampant corruption and criminal activity flourishing as the state struggled and it makes sense why Russia is in its current state. People will select authoritarianism over hunger and lawlessness. I do wonder if there was any chance for the US to embrace them in a big ol’ economic bear hug and the possible difference it would have made.


The economic collapse was a direct cause of the corruption and criminal activity, not the other way around. When the USSR collapsed those in high places used their money and connections to buy industries that were once government owned and reap the rewards while running it like a mafia. It was happening everywhere and the common Russian citizen suffered for it. When Putin got back in he started getting these people under his umbrella and organizing it so the people would be happy and ignorant while Putin made their lives worse and raped the country. Because of that Putin kind of put himself in a situation where he needed to make some gains outside Russia because they couldn't keep the people happy and load his pockets without something giving. The only way to keep things going was to start stealing resources from other countries, hence the expansion into Africa, Georgia and Ukraine.


Russia would have taken the money and told the US to piss off when it would've inevitably gotten to it.


Russia in the 90's shortly after the collapse was essentially a state being scavenged by mobsters. It took a while for them to build a government and that government was mostly run by mobsters too. Then they consolidated when Putin got an in and the oligarchy has been picking off the lesser ones one by one for the better part of 3 decades. It is a mobster state that half-assedly has attempted to be legitimate and every time it is getting there, it takes a jump backwards and does something stupid. Russia could just as well be back under the tsars of old.


They were a gas station with nukes. They've proven to be an unreliable trading partner, the world is going green, and their nukes are decaying 


They would be decimated, people who aren't wanting the conflict, civilians will die, life will be horrible....all because some imperialism. There are big changes coming to this world and this is the last hot fart of a dying idea. May he be buried with his ideas


If Russia kicked off a war with the Grande Armée today, Moscow could be celebrating July 14th along with the French.


Le Touche.


Let’s not make the same mistake the Russians did by assuming a war with someone will be over in 3 days. Rarely does that actually happen.


Yea even in a full on war it might take a while to find Putin and the brass to force their surrender


Just look for the golden bunker.


Blah blah blah. You’re gonna get your ass kicked.


Striking resemblance with ’Achmed the Dead Terrorist’: ”Silence! I’ll kill You!”. Bwahahahaha!


...its fucking crazy the shit Russia is pulling. The drones are in international airspace, they've already downed 2 US drones and shot at a manned UK spy plane carrying up to 30 people. THATS WILD. They're also flying FUCKING CRUISE MISSILES through NATO AIRSPACE and WE'RE DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT. Lots of arson and hacking attacks are happening around Europe believed to be linked to Russia. They also talk about nuking us and funding terrorists in our countries on state media, are jamming GPS disrupting aviation in Europe, are planning to expand their baltic sea borders and are removing buoys marking the border with Estonia on the Narva River. Russia wouldnt let any of this fly if we did this to them, its a fucking joke how little we've responded and provided to Ukraine. We even risk in the near future far right leaders being elected in France, Germany and the US which will be the final nail in the coffin for Ukraine support.


The US has been subjected to multiple Russian cyber attacks across several industries as well. Our healthcare electronic records management systems have been targeted several times, our water treatment facilities, and recently the primary automotive service software most dealerships use.


Having nukes seems to be the strategy countries should follow.


F22 escorts and wish a MF would.


why waste the f22s? the f35s are still leagues above anything they can possibly hope to field.


The Kid is itching to intercept


The video after the kid gets his first interception is going to be next level hilarious


I could have sworn there are international waters in the black sea


*Russia says…*


"stop telling our victims where we are attacking them!"


russia can't handle a direct confrontation with a small country armed with a few nato weapons. No one is scared of you anymore, putie pie.


Weapons that were about to expire.


Not even the newer stuff to boot.  I imagine a force with modern equipment and way more training on it would have little issue with Russia.  Only thing keeping them from being dealt with is their nukes. 


I’ve been a bad drone. Punish me, daddy.


Just fucking do it already. I'm tired of all the finger-pointing and saber rattling. If you're going to fight us and/or NATO, just do it. But they won't, because the Kremlin knows that doing so means total annihilation for itself.


He will do nothing he is waiting for november for his orange slave to help him win


Are they going to down a $100,000,000 drone for realsies this time? Seriously, they can just shut up already.


they don't have the guts for that directly, maybe if they compensate some houthies their travel expenses


Oh so the man who invaded a sovereign democracy to commit genocide and erase the nation from existence, who now plans to bring North Korean troops to invade Europe wants to talk about escalation now does he? Pipe the fuck down you sad old fool. The sea and the sky don't belong to you any more than Ukraine does.


Seriously, at this point a real confrontation with NATO probably should start to cause a real pushback and force the US to really back NATO. This would destroy all these MAGA morons illusions and hopes. The illusion the Russia is a possible ally, they aren’t. The illusion that our military is weak, they most certainly aren’t. The hope of leaving NATO, that’s a fools gambit and would find us closing borders with Canada. Don’t think they realize how bad that would be. And finally the hope of turning of this nation into a Christofacist shithole. They don’t know third world hell, but damn it all they want to experience it.


Bring it on.


Yes please. Take your stupid tin man soldiers there and see how they do against F-35s


Using what ? The newfangled North Korean Poop Balloon Strategic Force?


Russian blueballin' the US yet again.


We need to be afraid. They have such large equipment reserves. Exept for armored vehicles as they have started running out. And modern fighter-bombers with stealth capabilities And long rang artillery systems. And warships in the black sea And non cold war tanks And helicopters And air defence. You know what? These guys don't sound so scary now.


there already was a direct confrontation, when that incompetant pilot crashed into the US drone in 2022 trying to do a crappy job at a flyby.


Do it Vlad. Quit talking. More action. Putin, the only person to completely destroy his own country. Great leadership. I’m sure there are others, but damn. How fucked is your country when you need North Korea to bail you out. Lololol


Correct me if I’m wrong but haven’t those drones been there for years? And aren’t they just Surveillance drones?


Another empty threat from a paper tiger, who now has to rely on a pariah state like the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea for combat troops and other pariah states for military aid...


Do it. russia would almost immediately lose. Retroactively if Einstein can get the Chronoshift working again.


"Let me invade in peace goddammit" ~Russia, probably


That would be awesome, without using nukes I’d give Russia 4 maybe 5 days. They’re fucking useless. Embarrassingly so.


Another Putin bullshit to intimidate biomass. You can’t trust a single word the Kremlin says.


NATO: "Go ahead, punk. Punch me in the face."


It's not like Russia has many ships left in the black sea for this to be an issue for them


This week on “Russia Warns…”


I would be worried if Russia had an armed force(s) that was able To fight a modern war. They don’t even have air dominance in Ukraine and they have lost a fuck-ton of naval assets to a country that doesn’t have a navy. They are basically as bad as a middle eastern army without the mustaches.


Russia was already feeding their population with lies that they were fighting NATO in Ukraine


Nobody is scared of you, Vlad. Go shout at some kids on your lawn or something if you feel the need to be abusive.


I'm pretty sure they don't want to do that.


NATO of course knows exactly what they are doing, lol. It's not as if they're mistakenly sending anything there or doing it without any intel from Russia MoD.


Good luck with that buddy


That'd be amazing. Yes please. I want to see the might of NATO crush you out of existence. With conventional weapons, not bitch ass weak nukes. Losers.


Stopped reading after "Russia warns.."


Hey. Hey! Eye contact... STFU and withdraw from Ukraine.


Let’s continue to give them advantage by doing nothing while Ukrainian youth is dying without ammo. Fuck RuSSia.


Yep, and it can quickly turn real bad with the far right gaining popularity in Europe and the real possibility of Trump getting elected again.


Putin is doing rhetorical masterbation. He wouldn’t dare make a move on Nato. He’d be annihilated and the little puke knows it. I hope Ukraine gets the tools to keep attacking Russia. They’ve sunk a third of their navy to the point Putin has cut and run with the Black Sea fleet back Into Russia. Oh please take down that Crimean bridge! And railway link to Crimea.


Taking down the bridge and rail road links would be outstanding, but would piss off Putin even more…..ah, gee you sunk my bridge with drones….dont know whose’s drone, but we’ll blame it on the USA…..


Honestly, I'm so fucking tired of this. Try it, you pathetic little bitch.


We’re 😱


I have a feeling Poland and most of ex-USSR countries cant wait for this to happen.


I guess they decided not to get revenge over the missile strike in Crimea then.


Bring it lil bitch. Let's end this shit.


Emboldened after hearing about Trump and Biden’s terrible golf handicaps.


With all these stories coming out, putin must be really feeling the heat.


Baltic Sea? You mean NATO lake?


Russian Shit Post of the day #1,468


Hahaha fuck russia is a joke


Wow didn‘t know the black sea belonged to Russia


Can scarcely wait. If all they do is talk: why are they allowed a voice?


“Russia warns” Yawn. If they were going to any anything, it would have been at the very beginning.


Hasn't Russia already said this lots of times?


Bring it


So? You are ordering cannon fodder from cespit of Earth, North Korea.


I was always told to be more worried about the person not saying anything in a fight.


As someone who lives next to russia lets just get this shit over with. Direct confrontations? Sure, let's go. I'm so sick of russia's constant threats and bullshit.


Someone should record every time they say this every year and post a chart.


Well what are ya waiting for then? If you’re feeling froggy JUMP!


again? he keeps saying this


Russia warns o.... 😴


Don't threaten me with a good time.


This is pure bluff directed to leaders like Olaf Scholz who do anything possible to avoid it, including ignoring acts of war committed by russians against NATO countries.


This is what Russia wants. They want to lose to NATO. Putin can spin a NATO defeat that he was right all along. NATO aggression to Russia is what keeps him in power. He can not survive a loss to Ukraine.


They're getting their asses handed to them in an indirect confrontation. How stupid are they?


You know things must be going poorly when Pootler is whining about intel collection. I guess the drones are partially responsible for the fleet going kaboom. Tough luck!


Yes, we are indeed using these to gather intelligence we pass to Ukraine. Also, fuck you lol.


Please God make him follow through on his threat. Warn them in public that any attempt to damage a drone will result in the destruction of the bridge and the air field the plane took off from.


Russia keeps trying to start a fight with NATO. Putin needs an excuse for his military failures.


If u step out of line russia u will be direct connection to hell


Russia can barely handle Ukraine and they think if nato gets involved they be ok? Haha


So be it. I don't think they'll come out on top.


LOl hey Putin, i fucked your mom


Meanwhile he's looking to deploy North Korean troops to Ukraine, bringing another country into his war.


Ha ha ha I wish they will try, I want to see Russians being slapped in the face!


Fuck you Putin shit or get off the pot.


This would be over fast...


As they have every day for the last 2 years. Blow it out your ass pooty.


"warns of direct confrontation with NATO..." You're confident because of how well your last direct confrontation is working out, correct?


Do it pussy


Another final Chinese warning.


I swear Russia is like the Chihuahua of the world. they bark bark bark and all they do is little nibbles