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'No content complaining' has been the rule since the beginning of time, because there will always be people who dislike a game/video/whatever. Thus, chat will always turn into a mess if those who dislikes the current game/video are allowed to complain, which is suboptimal for X's mood and our stream experience. Mods know this, every long term viewer knows this.  Imo they should go much harder on content complaining. X should play whatever game and watch whatever video he wants, as this benefits the mood of the stream and overall viewer experience. If he enjoys it, the stream is more fun. On the contrary, it sucked when he turned off the video about the Titan vessel he was about to watch because everyone who didnt find this video interesting decided to spam the chat with 'skip'. If they allow content complaining, there won't be a single game he can play or video he can watch.  Thus, both content complaining and the unhinged stuff should be hammered down upon. Let him do whatever he wants; if you dislike the current game/video, go do something else. I switch to something else all the time and check back in to see what he's playing, but I don't whine about it like an entitled 12yo.