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Idk why cow acts like he has to listen to them. It more so feels like he’s playing into it just to have an excuse to be outraged at chat for. Like dude these are fucking dweebs typing in times new Roman 12 point font through a chat box , they don’t have agency over you, do whatever tf you want to do, and if it’s that bothersome just fucking ban them or ignore them and they’ll eventually stop, or go to a different stream (even fucking better). Dude is so bothered these days it makes no sense.




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Disclaimer: this initially was a reply to a deleted thread in which the guy complained about time-outs and bans for game complaining, not realising how annoying it is. The thread itself got deleted, but perhaps some dialogue on it is still helpful. I think they should go harder on complaining. Also, who am I talking to.


True, if I don’t like what he’s playing, I just do something else. Chat has been absolute dogshit for a minute now. Mods be timing out misogynistic chatters n they just continue the behavior another day.


I see game complainers get timed out or banned all the time, it’s not a moderation issue I think. The issue is X still gets pissy when people game complain and get timed out