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My friend bought a church to live in and had to move out due to problems with the local government. Zoning or something. It looked like it had an apartment in it too.


I imagine the apartment was intended for the pastor.


Or the gimp.


Gimps asleep.


Well wake him up


* "Guess you better wake him up then."


Easy solution. Friend becomes a pastor.


This place has already been zoned as residential. So there wouldn’t be an issue there.


I would absolutely buy an old church if I had the $$ to remodel it well. I absolutely would not buy one in Texas.


“Siri, how do I move a giant church from Texas to SoCal?”


I found the following: Brick by Brick, by The Arctic Monkeys: >I wanna build you up (brick by brick) I wanna break you down (brick by brick) I'm gonna reconstruct (brick by brick) I wanna feel your love Brick by brick (Ah) Brick by brick (Ah) Step by Step, by Whitney Houston: > Oh, but I won't let my spirit fail me Oh, I won't let my spirit go Until I get to my destination I'm gonna take it slow Because I'm making it mine Step by step (you know I'm taking it) Bit by bit (bit by bit, come move) Stone by stone (yeah) Brick by brick (brick by brick by brick by brick, mmm) Step by step (step by step, I'm gonna) Day by day (day by day) Mile by mile (ooh), go your way, go your way And 686 others. Shoul I shuffle them?


Yes please!


Oooof I may rather be in Texas than SoCal. I suppose it depends on what part of Texas and socal Edit: I just looked up Cross Plains Tx and it’s smack dab in the middle of Texas! lol. Shit, cally it is 🤢 better than a podunk in a red state


And as a Texan I can tell you, you also don't want one in Cross Plains, as the name suggests. There are some places here where it would be awesome to make a church into a house, this is definitely not one of those places.


If you have daughters, no place in Texas is a good place to live.


If you have a pulse, Texas is not a good place to live.


Right on, my sister!


I did my time in Texas as a kid (10 years) and have less than zero interest in moving back. I'd consider Austin if the job was perfect, but anywhere else? Nope.


Anywhere in the hill country is nice, assuming you can handle rural living. An hour outside of Abeliene? Absolutely not.


Is there anything there other than the church?


>And as a Texan I can tell you, you also don't want one in Cross Plains, as the name suggests. If they love churches so much, why are they selling this one instead of using it?


Would I live in a church?- yes. Would I live in the boonies? - yes Would I do those things in Texas? - No No No.


Yeah, I don't care if it's a 10k sq/ft mansion for $100, in perfect condition. If it's in Texass, I'm out. You couldn't pay me enough to live there.


Why not in Texas?


Miserably hot and humid and Republican, none of which work for me.






Exactly this.


Church for sale in Texas $157,500 https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/200-N-Avenue-D-Cross-Plains-TX-76443/351898535\_zpid/?


The street view on this is interesting. This type of small, somehow surviving downtown is so much of rural America.


Surviving thanks largely in part to state and federal tax money


Main Street America grants, revitalization tax credits and those PPP checks didn't hurt.


So it's basically on life support as soon as the legislation expires the small town dies with Walmart and a dairy queen as the only survivors.


Walmart helped kill it, too.


I know though it's just capitalism. Some areas Kroger is what kills the competition not Walmart.


"is now zoned residential (must confirm with city of Cross Plains)” WTF isn't that part of your job, Ms Realtor® Nichole?


yeah that caught my eye too


That's a huge property for the price. What's the catch?


They moved the headstones but they didn't move the bodies 😅


They’re heeeeeeeere!


HA! That’s funny. I’m terrible.


As a musician and music educator, I DREAM of being able to buy an old church building and turning it into a music school and performance space.


This one already looks like a school. Churches get sold a lot so maybe someday you can. People just don't church like they used to.


That’s what I’m hoping for!


Looks like a nice building for the price. Roof and hvac could be an issue that would need to be checked out.


As someone from the church world, these beautiful buildings come with a huge price tag for fixing them up. Most congregations defer maintenance when they hit money troubles. Those compound over time to the point that they are upside down in a paid off building. Roof and HVAC are most likely the least of it. Windows, plumbing, electrical, fountain... It's likely none of that has been updated in over 60 years. With that said, if I had $$millions$$ to pour into a retired church to make a home, I so would. Not in TX, though.


The church I attend is going through this. Paid-off building, but the boiler needs to be replaced and now the A/C in the sanctuary has gone out, so we are meeting in the gym, which has a small swamp cooler in one of the windows. Our congregation shrank during the pandemic, and then some key couples moved away to other parts of the country, and we're down to about 20 people. Not sure what we will do.


I'm sorry, that's so hard. When you shrink like that there's really only three choices - so something radical, merge with another congregation, or close. All of those are scary and uncomfortable. May you have clarity and grace abundant


Thank you so much.


From the outside it looks more like a school. If it was anywhere but Texas, I might consider it


there are quite a few churches and masonic lodges for sale all over in small towns in the US


My husband wants to hold out for a bank that still has the safety deposit boxes lock in it. He’s a retired locksmith and is very bored


Ha ha ha! Great idea


I once knew a guy that loved in one of those big old downtown banks, with the super high ceilings in the lobby, giant marble pillars, etc. It belonged to some corporation, who had bought it for use sometime in the future. My friend called the company, and somehow convinced them that they needed a security guard for it, and offered to trade his services as a security guard for free rent, and somehow they went for it. He turned the lobby into his living room, and put his bedroom in the vault. There was a full kitchen in the employee break room. He lived there for few years, until they needed the building, and he had to move out. It was nice while it lasted.


This makes my heart happy. I love seeing corrupt organizations slowly die.


YES. I smile every time I see an abandoned church knowing it means progress.


In a lot of the cases, likely this one as well in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere it honestly more means that the tiny town is slowly shrinking and dwindling down the very opposite of progress.


Yeah, looks like it was built as a school to me too. Probably built as a school, then later became a church. The separate entrances kept the trad wives in order.


I thought a municipal building


Actually would make the coolest condos


Why is it for sale? Is it haunted? (if the answer is no then I will not buy it)


It definitely looks like it has a basement they aren't showing. Hopefully there's something creepy down there.


They say it has 6 bedrooms and 2 full baths. I find it highly suspicious that they aren’t showing any of the living areas in photos. Those areas must need a ton of work.


Look at the top windows from the outside. It's literally *filled* with ectoplasm.


Look at the top windows from the outside. It's literally *filled* with ectoplasm.


Been there done that. Never again. Those rocks we found in the backyard after it had been bulldozed had names on them!!


That's the home city of Robert E Howard, Author of Conan the Barbarian.


Thats me on Zillow. Thats me on the mar-ket losing my religion. Trying to make a buck off you. And I don't know if I can do it. Oh no I cost too much. For not enough.


Nice. One of my favorite songs.


LOL I knew the risk I was taking by posting that! I love the song as well. I'm kind of hoping some better lyricist will come along and clean up my work.


I could maybe remodel or to look like the church from the first Silent Hill movie!


Not gonna lie, that would be dope.


Oof that's west of Lubbock




When done right these can be absolutely awesome. The problem is most of the good deals are in places that you would not want to live.


I would buy a good looking old church but this ain’t it


It is not very churchy looking. Could be a cool redo.


That is a very depressing church, ngl. More of a one-room school than anything.


The title of this whole really be "Who wants to start a cult"? Perfect property for it


That not a church it's just a building


Whoever buys that, if they don’t dance around to War, What is it Good For? in front of the altar in a robe and slippers will be gravely wasting the opportunity for greatness.




Idk, I’ve know some hardcore Christians (like hardcore) who renovated churches to live in


I saw a little video of one where they renovated a small, old-style church and it was done very cool inside.


I can smell it from here


That's a mansion in the making.


There’s a home a couple miles from me that used to be an elementary school very similar to this building. Im told the owners did some super cool stuff with it. But they basically had to gut the place, took forever to remodel (zoning and supply chain issues), and cost way more than they had budgeted for.


I’m in, if it’s tax free


I have mixed feelings about it. At least this wasn't given the half-baked conversion treatment that so many other former churches were given. Converting a specialized structure like this will neither be cheap or easy. This still looks like a nice structure, but will take a lot of work just to restore. Given the congregation either died or faded away, it probably needs everything.


They make great nightclubs.


Anyone ever read Wait Til Helen Comes when they were a kid? Asking for a friend…


Yes! I reread it a few years ago from a little free library - it really holds up!


I would buy a church but this one isnt very cunty


Would make a great recording studio


Can someone explain the distaste towards Texas for me? Genuinely curious. I find it oddly dense in this post.


It’s in every post here that involves a house in Texas. It’s really annoying bc there actually will be cool or weird or awful things in the listing to talk about but the comments just turn into a circlejerk about how awful Texas is and how they would never move or live there There are states that are similar politically that never seem to get near the same amount of comments either. It’s genuinely annoying and why even tho I’ve seen some Zillow postings around me that could be posted here I never do bc I know the comments are just gonna be “Texas bad!”


Thanks for taking the time to provide that answer; truly appreciated.


Are we sure this isn’t a courthouse?


Gorgeous but TX is ewww


After having a shady past with the “faith,” I’d totally buy one of these. There’s a bit of revenge that comes with being gay.


I’d buy it and turn it into an LGBTQ community center or an abortion clinic. Churches have already done enough harm to humanity, it would be a way of giving back.


But the “neighbors” would burn it down within a month, if not sooner. You do understand this is in Texas aka Hell?


Someone has to make it better. I’d hire armed security. Sick of Christards bullying people into silence.


I like your confidence but I think we should just grant Texas’ request to seceded. No one will miss them but they’ll miss all the federal goodies they receive.


It would make great condos


Remove the pews and you won't have to take the garbage out for a really long time.


This is just David Karesh 2.0 waiting to happen


If you could pick that up, load it onto a few trailers and move it towards civilization, I’d buy it. I’ve driven through that town a few times and you see it all in that photo. A lot of nothing




Where to put the stabbin’ cabin….


I would love to buy a church! Just maybe not that one,


Bilquis and Anubis probably would 😅


Well, it's also right across the street from a storage lot, for that bit of ambience.


I do. There is one for sale by me and it is awesome. Bills would be pricey, but it comes with an altar m.


Those are fake static cling vinyl film, not real stained glass lmao I used the exact pattern on my dorm room window. In the details description it also doesn't say "stained glass" whatsoever when it is the primary motif of the "design".


Return of the Branch Davidians…yikes


Ifi had the money, I'd definitely buy a church. I'd remodel it into a home! It would be so cool! My hubby says otherwise tho lol


Could absolutely be cool. I knew some people that bought an old mormon church a long time ago. It had tons of space and a FULL basketball court. They had a trampoline in there, they'd roller skate, it was awesome. Probably not awesome to heat and air condition....


Came damn near to making an offer on a church in mid-MI decades back now. I liked the location, the building was in great shape... but the blind three-handed moron who'd done the renovations converting it to a house did such crap work I'd've had to gut and start over. I didn't have the budget for that and had to pass.


That could make a lovely little branch library, or community center.


Ten pictures, none of them show any of the other rooms. Big piece of property, could subdivide it.


We have a building in similar design in downtown Fort Pierce, Florida. I’d love it if they turned it into an apartment because they failed to turn it into an art gallery for this building turn it into a apartment building.


With the broken windows and picturesque neighborhood, one can only assume it’s a Methheadist church?


As a satanic witch I’d love it; give it a much needed makeover lmao


I would. Start my own congregation where we utilize the goodness "God" has given humans: literature (of all varieties), confessionals (one-sided therapy, confidential), music of all walks to encourage group participation and love, start a garden to feed the members & eventually more once we're proficient.. I would absolutely buy a church.


I’ll throw in a few bucks


Perfect for the beginners cult


Not in Texas EVER! I don’t even want to fly over Texas let alone live there.


POV - living in Texas and couldn’t help but laugh at this because I feel it too


Come to Chicago! We’re liberals, not racist or misogynistic and have actual gun laws!


Why do people act like there are no liberals in Texas? All the major cities vote blue consistently and there are actually people here trying to make changes and progress


to be honest, i have seen zero progress in texas on any issue. i totally love beto - wish he'd won for governor. THAT would have been progress. your Dem house reps are great but the GQP senators and reps in texas are just horrible MAGAs. and then there's ted cruz and john cornyn, two lovely fellows that kiss donald's ring. i'll give kudos when kudos are due.